Page 49 of Unharmed
“Yeah. You, too. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Sounds good. Later, Banks.”
I closed the door, climbed in my truck, and headed for home. It was much later than I had anticipated, so I hoped Lamise wasn’t upset when I walked through the door. As it was, I was already upset enough, considering I’d be getting home after Rhys was already asleep.
I loved my job, but I hated that I had missed having my normal evening routine with Rhys. The only silver lining was knowing he had someone with him who cared deeply for him.
When I got home, I didn’t waste any time getting myself inside.
No sooner had I walked through the door and closed it behind me, I turned and saw Lamise standing there, clutching the monitor in her hand.
“Hey,” I greeted her.
Relief seemed to sweep through her. “You’re okay.”
Tipping my head to the side, I assessed her. “Yeah. Yeah, I’m okay. Did you think I wouldn’t be?”
She shrugged. “I… I didn’t want to think the worst, but I could hear the alarm in your voice when you called earlier.”
My brows pulled together. “You didn’t seem worried at all. In fact, you urged me to go, so I could do what I needed to do.”
Lamise licked her lips as her eyes dropped from mine. It took her a few seconds to compose herself, and once she did, she returned her attention to me. “It probably does seem strange that I applied for a job at Harper Security Ops, and now I’m acting like I didn’t know what you did there. I mean, I didn’t know the full extent of it, but I knew enough. And you’ve been going to work for weeks while I’ve been here with Rhys. It’s not like I didn’t know where you were going. It’s just that… I don’t know. I guess it hit me tonight that you have a job which puts you in harm’s way.”
She’d been concerned. Though I didn’t like the idea of her being upset, I had to admit it felt good to know she cared not just about Rhys but about me, too.
“I’m good at my job, Lamise. And I’ve got a really great team working beside me, so there’s no need to worry,” I assured her.
She nodded. “Right. That’s good. So, did you get the baby back?”
“We did.”
More tension moved out of her body.
Since Lamise seemed to be struggling with her emotions, I decided it’d probably be best if I took charge and redirected the conversation. “So, was Rhys okay for you?”
Instantly, her mood shifted. Her face lit up at the merethought of my son. “He was absolutely wonderful. We had so much fun today.”
“He didn’t give you a problem going down for the night, did he?”
Lamise shook her head and held up the monitor. “Not at all. He never gives me a problem.”
I cocked a brow. “I’m not sure you’d tell me if he did.”
Her lips twitched. “We might have a secret or two between us.”
I laughed.
Ever since Lamise came into our lives, I found myself laughing more and more with each day that passed. It felt good at the same time it felt wrong.
How could I possibly find something to make me happy again when my wife had died?
“Speaking of secrets, are you going to tell me what you and Rhys were doing today when I called?”
She bit the corner of her lip, sending an unsure look in my direction. “Well, it would probably have been better if Rhys was awake, but I’m sure he wants you to have it now.”
Confused, I pressed, “What is it?”