Page 95 of Unharmed
Banks shook his head. “Not so much, at this point. There’s no telling that he was connected to these people in any way, but the fact they had Henry leads me to believe they know something about him. The problem is, they could have just been the people who wound up getting Henry out of the whole mess. There are so many people involved.”
I didn’t want to ask the question, but I knew I wouldn’t be able to pretend as though it didn’t matter to me. Because it did.
“Was it drugs?”
“Unfortunately, yes.”
I moved my head from side to side. “I don’t understand why Graham would have gotten himself involved in anything like that. It makes no sense to me.”
Banks tipped his head to the side, his eyes roaming over my face. “I promised you I’d figure out what happened to him. I’m going to do that. The men in the pictures Pax brought over here a little over a week ago were seen at the house where Henry was. For a while, nothing else had happened at the dog park, but in the week since I’d located Henry, there had been quite a few. We added a few more guys to the case to help out, so we had more hours of coverage, and that led to us seeing more than we would have otherwise.”
“Something happened at the dog park?”
“More drug deals. So, while I can’t say it with absolute certainty, all of the evidence points to Graham being involved in some way. A couple of arrests were being made today, and there is hope of getting a few more. With that many players, depending on the severity of the charges they are going to face based on what’s found, we’re hoping someone is willing to talk in exchange for reduced sentencing. Detective Shaw gave me his word that his department was going to do everything they could to get you some answers.”
Every time Banks spoke, he was always so forthcoming. He didn’t hold back anything, and the best part of it all was that he found a way to tell me things, even bad news, in a way that never felt devastating.
In this case, I should have been feeling horrified by the possibility of Graham having been involved in something so terrible, and to some extent, I did. But for some reason, I didn’t feel the overwhelming despair I thought I would have over the situation.
Was that related to where my life was now?
I could only assume so.
There was no question in my mind that I loved Graham and everything he’d been to and for me while he was alive. I had his video, something many others might not have in a similar situation, and it gave me some peace over the situation. Whatever had happened, whatever he’d gotten himself involved in, he regretted it.
“Thank you for working so hard on this and getting Henry back for me,” I said, following a beat of silence.
“I’d do anything for you, Lamise. Anything at all.”
“I love you, Banks. I hope you know that.”
He smiled, wrapping his arm around my back, and curling me in toward his chest. I willingly went, and after he pressed a kiss to the top of my head, he replied, “I love you, too, darling.”
My heart melted. God, I was beyond grateful for him and everything he’d done for me.
Henry’s head remained heavy on my leg. It was clear he was worn out from all of the excitement of his day. I stared down at him, feeling something warm move through me.
“Oh, no!” I gasped.
“What? What’s wrong?” Banks asked.
I was so tense, even Henry lifted his head from my lap. My eyes shifted back and forth between Banks and Henry, my heart pounding wildly in my chest as my stomach felt sick.
“Lamise, what’s wrong?”
I shook my head. “I can’t. I can’t take Henry home to my apartment with me. It’s in my lease that no pets are allowed.”
Banks didn’t hesitate. “But you’re staying here, so why does that matter?”
“I was staying here while you believed there was a possibility I was a target. You said people were arrested. Isn’t everything okay now for me to go home?”
“People were arrested,” he confirmed. “But I wouldn’t say I’m comfortable with you leaving just yet. Let’s give it some time to make sure there’s nobody around who can retaliate, especially if they believe you had anything to do with this.”
I nodded my agreement. “Okay. I guess I can try to look for a new place in the meantime.”