Page 11 of Best Vacation Ever
She pushes open the door to look, but I yank her back in.
“Don’t go out there!” I order.
Please tell me he’s not coming on this trip with us. Or maybe tell me he is? I’m not sure which I’d prefer. I’m already worried about making a fool of myself in front of Faye’s hot brother, so I don’t need another hot guy to make me worry about my every move.
Faye rolls her eyes at me. “Yes, Lori. Let’s stay in here all week. Who needs to go to Cuba when we can spend all our time enjoying the scenery of this beautiful ro—”
She cuts herself off as she peers around the room for the first time, which gets my attention, because Faye is never speechless.
I follow her gaze and . . . yup . . . of course.
That’s a row of urinals.
And that’s a bunch of confused men staring back at us.
My face heats, probably making me look more like a tomato than a teenage girl.
Faye recovers a lot faster than I do.
“Yes.” She looks around the room and up at the ceiling as if examining it. “Everything seems in order here. We’ll report this back to our supervisor.” She grabs my arm and pushes me out the door. “Carry on.”
“Supervisor? Carry on? Really, Faye?” I don’t know how she comes up with these things.
“What?” she defends, not even a bit fazed. “It was better than standing around gawking at a bunch of men with their pants practically around their ankles.”
I groan. “Do you think your brother and his friends saw that?”
A sly smile spreads across Faye’s face as she looks in their direction. She doesn’t bother answering me. I follow her gaze.
Her brother is ruining his perfect face with a frown aimed at us, and the other guys are staring at us.
“You’re right,” Faye says without taking her eyes off the group. “Sexy Gym Guydefinitelyearned his nickname.”
“Faye!” I exclaim, not because I disagree or need to point outshegave him that nickname, but because we’re almost at the group and they can probably hear us.
“Oh, don’t get your panties in a twist.” She grins at me, making zero effort to lower her voice. “I know you have first dibs.”
Before I can say I don’t want “dibs” on a human being, Adam stops us.
“What were you two doing in the men’s washroom?” he asks, impatient.
“Supervising,” Faye answers without hesitation, and I reflexively slap her with the back of my hand.
He rolls his eyes. “Whatever. Can you at leasttrynot to embarrass me in front of my friends this week?” His voice is low, and I glance at the four other guys a few feet behind him.
Faye pouts. “But I wanted to have some fun this week too.”
“We’ll be on our best behavior,” I add before Faye can piss him off. “Thanks again for letting us come.”
His captivating hazel eyes give me a once-over as if trying to decide whether I’m lying.
“Come on,” he grumbles. “I’ll introduce you.”
We follow him over to the group, and I pray my face isn’t bright red.
“For those of you who don’t already know, this loser is my sister, Faye, and that’s her friend Lori.” Adam gestures to us noncommittally.
“Hey, Lor,” Dylan and Kellan greet. I’m familiar enough with them, even though I’m always quiet when they’re around.