Page 19 of Best Vacation Ever
Oh my goodness. How many people were watching me? I stiffen.
Dean scans my face as he notices the change in me. “Are you okay?”
I force myself to keep my eyes trained on his. “Yeah. I just, um . . . I’m not used to all this attention.”
And then I realize it. My bikini-clad body is pressed right up against his naked chest; his arm is securely around me. This is heaven and hell and everything I never could’ve imagined all wrapped in one.
Understanding fills his eyes as if all my actions since meeting him finally make sense. “Okay, why don’t we go for a walk down by the beach? No people there.”
I bite my lip. Dean and me alone? I already made a fool of myself alone with him once tonight.
Another guy walks by and claps me on the shoulder, telling me how glad he is that there’s a hot lifeguard around to give him mouth-to-mouth whenever he might need it, and suddenly there’s nowhere I’d rather be than alone with Dean on a private beach, even if that means I might make a fool of myself.
I nod at Dean, and he releases me. I retrieve my flip-flops and slip them on, following him past the stares and out of the foam party, into the quiet serenity of the beach.
Night One of Cuba
Mr. Tall-and-Handsome’s name is Darius. He’s twenty-two with smooth black skin and is from the UK, so he has thehottestaccent, and I can’t stop listening to it.
We sit beside each other at the bar, and by our second drink I practically have him eating out of the palm of my hand. All it’ll take is one suggestion to show me his room, and I’m getting laid tonight.
Kellan’s not the only one who can move on to the next hottest thing available.
I have to stop the scowl threatening to arise at the thought of him.
Don’t think about him.
“And that’s why I always need a room with an ocean view,” I catch Darius saying once I tune in.
He’s setting it up—waiting for me to be allOh, really? Anocean view? Why don’t you show me?and then it’s a sealed deal.
Before I can decide what to say, a fun-sucking presence appears beside me. I can practically feel the air around me shift.
“Do you have to be here?” my brother asks.
I turn in my seat to face Adam, who’s apparently the resort’s resident grumpy baby, along with his friends Alessio and Dylan.
“It’s a large party, Adam. You didn’t have to come to this bar if you knew I was here.” My irritation is written all over my face, and I hope my cranky brother doesn’t scare Darius off.
“We were just coming over to say hi,” Dylan answers, eyeing Darius.
“Well, thanks for stopping by. See you later.” I smile tightly at him and gesture back to Darius with my eyes, hoping they get the hint and realize they’re being major cockblocks right now.
“Hey, can you ask the bartender for a rum and Coke?”
Alessio asks Darius, taking a seat on my other side.
What is happening right now? Why is this happening to me?
Darius gives him an uncertain look but orders anyway.
“These guys’ll be on their way shortly,” I apologize to Darius as I sense a new presence behind me.
“Really, Faye? This guy? You’re going to lock Lori out of her room tonight for this?”