Page 28 of Best Vacation Ever
“We’ve only got thirty more minutes until the breakfast buffet closes. Let’s go!” I rip open the curtains to let the sunlight in only to be met with two irritated groans, and a pillow thrown at me, courtesy of Kellan.
Adam drops onto his bed, his body language and facial expression screaming his boredom. “Remember how you promised not to bother us this week? It’s day two, and we’re not off to a good start.”
“Yeah, why aren’t you off annoying Lori?” Kellan stands to stretch, and I try not to ogle his shirtless body.
I wave my hand noncommittally. “She and Dean went snorkeling. He said he asked if you guys wanted to join.”
Thatgets my brother’s attention, and he sits up straight. “He went with Lori?”
Geez, what’s his deal?
“Yeah, remember, bro?” Kellan grabs the first shirt his hand touches in the messy suitcase on the floor and slips it on. “We all said no so we wouldn’t cockblock him.”
I struggle not to smile proudly at that. With us working together, those two will be all over each other by day five.
“At least they’re not wasting an entire day sleeping like you peop—”
I don’t even get to finish my statement before my brother strides past me and into the bathroom. The door slams shut behind him.
I turn to Kellan. “You’d think he’d be less of a rude, grumpy child in Cuba, right?”
Kellan laughs, searching through his suitcase for his swim trunks, then comes up behind me and plants a sweet kiss on my neck.
I only enjoy it for a second before reminding myself that he’s not my boyfriend, and my oblivious brother is a measly few feet away.
I shove him away from me and turn to face him.
Adam is right there!I mouth to him.
He puts his hands back on my waist and pulls me closer toward him.
I don’t care, he mouths back, leaning in and giving me a proper kiss that spins my whole world upside down.
Somehow, even though I’m lost in all things Kellan, I hear the bathroom door handle turning. I automatically shove Kellan’s chest with both hands and step away from him.
He’s still wearing that stupid grin when my brother walks out of the bathroom, and I feel like hitting him and kissing him all at the same time.
My brother looks back and forth between the two of us with that harsh expression, making my heart beat faster than it already was. Did he see anything? Does he know?
Adam releases a long-suffering exhale. “Are you guys going to stand there all day or get ready so we can go?”
Kellan and I share a confused glance, but he recovers first.
“Well, you took forever in there.”
Kellan shoves him playfully as he walks past and locks himself in the bathroom.
I prop my hand on my hip. “Are you going to be in a foul mood this whole trip?”
My brother ignores me and walks to the door.
I’ll take that as a big fatyes.
“Where are you going?”
He doesn’t even turn to look at me. “Wake up Alessio and Dylan.”
I huff and sit on his bed. I’d say Adam’s not a morning person, but really, he’s not a morning, afternoon, or night person.