Page 66 of Best Vacation Ever
Since when have I ever let a guy affect me like this? I’ve never made a fool of myself for any guy, I’vealwaysbeen the one holding the cards, so why am I acting so stupid over Kellan?
Because you love him, you idiot.
Memories flash in my mind: of Kellan bringing over jelly-filled donuts even though no one else likes them, because he knows they’re my favorite; of Kellan cracking jokes during scary movies, even though it annoys everyone else, because he knows I hate scary movies but I still want to hang out with Adam and his friends; of Kellan knocking on the door of my class when he was still in high school, to deliver my favorite drink from Starbucks; of Kellan’s lips on mine, his hard body pressed against me . . .
Well, fuck me. It’s been there all along. I thought I’d be cool with casual sex—I’ve been fine with it before—but with Kellan I developed feelings. I want more than casual sex, and apparently, I wanted it all along. I’m in love with Kellan, and I blew my shot. I’ve been screwing it up this whole trip, ever since stupidly deciding to make him jealous yesterday. Ever since I did that, I’ve spent less time with him. Can one day really screw everything up that badly? Apparently. I must have a special talent for screwing things up in the shortest amount of time possible.
“Faye? You in here?” Kiara calls out, but I’m too busy wallowing in self-pity to tell herDuh, there’s only three stalls in here,where else would I be?
She pushes the stall door open and looks down her nose at me, her lips in a straight line. I can only imagine what she’s thinking.
She breaks the silence first. “The bathroom attendant told me we’re kicked out. No puking policy. We need to leave the club.”
“Fantastic. Give me a few minutes.” So the room can stop spinning.
She doesn’t move for a moment, then she sighs. “You can’t pass out here. Come on, get up.”
She grabs some toilet paper and wipes my face even though I pull away from her. The last thing I need is the girl Kellan’s going to end up with making me feel even more stupid.
“I’m fine. Why are you in here? To gloat?”
Her shoulders stiffen and her jaw clenches. “I’m not here to gloat. Kellan asked me to come check on you.”
That’s cute. Sending his soon-to-be girlfriend to witness for herself what a mess I am. It doesn’t help that she’s standing there looking every bit as gorgeous as when she left the resort, and I’m sitting on the piss-covered floor puking my guts out.
“I’m sure you can’t wait to go back to Kellan and tell him what a disaster I am,” I say, my voice laced with venom.
She shakes her head, annoyance written plainly all over her face. “Kellan doesn’t care; he just wants to make sure you’re safe.
Come on, before security comes in here.”
A humorless laugh bubbles up from my throat as she tries to help me stand. “Yeah, right. You don’t need to pretend to be nice to me, you’ve already won Kellan. Get him those little blueberry muffins, those are his favorite.”
I don’t know why I’m babbling to Kiara like this when she’s clearly only here to escort me out of the club. Maybe it’s because she’s seeing me at the lowest I’ve ever been, even lower than the aftermath of any stunt Jenna ever pulled. Maybe it’s because I’m drunk and realized I’ll never be with the guy I love. Or maybe it’s because I’m throwing a pity party, and it makes sense my competition gets a front-row seat.
She finally succeeds in pulling me up and turns me to face her. With her hands on my shoulders, she gives me a little shake.
“Snap out of it. I’ve only known you for three days, and even I know this isn’t like you.”
She releases me, and I’m able to stand on my own two feet.
“I didn’twinKellan,” she continues, crossing her arms over her chest. “He only has eyes for you. Everyone can see that.”
I must be really drunk. Did I hear that correctly? “But you guys were flirting all night.”
She exhales sharply and looks away from me. “We weren’t flirting.Iwas flirting withhim. He was just being nice. I tried to kiss him last night and he set me straight, saying he’s not into me like that. I’m obviously friend-zoned.”
“But—I—” Friend-zoned? This gorgeous woman in front of me is sayingshe’s been friend-zoned by Kellan? They’ve never done anything? He turned down a kiss? Oh wow. I’m an even bigger fool than I originally thought.
Kiara shifts and gestures to the door. “Can we go now? I’m pretty sure security has been called. Do you need help walking?”
Still reeling from all of tonight’s revelations, I shake my head. “I can walk.”
With her right behind me, I wash my hands and apologize to the bathroom attendant, who looks less than pleased with me, but I fish out a wad of bills from my purse and place them in her tip basket. That won’t make up for the mess I made, but it’s the best I can do.
The restroom door opens, revealing Kellan arguing with a security guard. He sees Kiara and I emerge and raises his hands in an innocent gesture, then wraps his arm around my shoulder and leads me toward the front door.
“You okay?” he asks, looking at me like he’s genuinely concerned and not even remotely disgusted like he should be.