Page 37 of Belong With Me
Jason joins us, placing his tray on the spot beside mine. “Don’t sell yourself short, Ty. I’m sure you’d get at least one good punch in.”
Tyler shrugs with no traces of bloated male ego, completely unbothered by admitting he’d lose to Brandon. “We all have our strengths, and fighting is not one of mine.”
“And neither are school, video games, cooking, music, public speaking, or swimming,” Jason teases, casually draping an arm over the back of my chair as he sits. “So, whatarethese strengths you speak of?”
“You and I both know damn well I’d kick anyone’s ass in a game of soccer, including yours,” Tyler insists, a suggestive smirk spreading on his face. “Plus, some skills are best kept for my girlfriend’s eyes—or pleasure—only.”
Jason and I groan in disgust, and Nyah slaps his arm.
“Ty!That’s no one’s business!” she exclaims, though she doesn’t seem too upset about the admission.
“Oh, come on, I know you love it when I kn—”
“We don’t wanna know!” Jason and I interrupt quickly, and Tyler laughs.
“I was going to sayknow when she’s craving chocolateand surprise her with it, you pervs.” He throws a fry at Jason to punctuate his point, and Nyah chastises him for wasting good food.
While they bicker-flirt, Jason pulls me closer and leans in to speak in my ear. I try to pretend I’m not affected by his proximity and don’t feel that electricity pulling me to him. I fail.
“Has Brandon been bothering you?” he asks.
“No. He’s just been glaring at me like he’s picturing all the different ways he could stab me with his soda can.”
Jason’s speaking into my ear, but he’s positioned himself in a way that lets him look over my shoulder directly at Brandon. If the way Jason’s hand tightens on my arm is any indication, they’re currently in a stare-off. “If he touches you and I’m not around, scream bloody murder.”
“He’s not going to touch me in school. But I do want to know if that really was him who broke into my room.
I’m so certain it was. Part of me wants to march up to him right now and demand he admit the truth.” I never saw the intruder’s face, but ithadto have been Brandon.
Like I told the officers, he has a silhouette that’s easy to identify.
“If that’s what you want to do, I’ll be right behind you.”
Jason’s smoldering eyes are on me now, not Brandon, and a possessive glimmer dances in them. Of course he’d have my back, and it’s for that reason alone I keep my butt planted in my seat. The last thing I want to do is cause more problems for him, because us going over there is asking for trouble, and Jason’s already using all his self-control to not fight Brandon because I’ve begged him not to. Going over there with Brandon looking all pissed and Jason being all protective is a guarantee of expulsion.
Plus, I don’t want to cause a scene and give the entire school another month’s worth of gossip.
“Let’s just steer clear of him in general,” I say. Jason’s jaw is set, but after a few moments, he finally relents with a nod.
A French fry bounces off my nose and lands on the table, breaking up me and Jason.
“Stop wasting food!” Nyah chides, pulling the half-empty basket of fries away from Tyler.
“I had to get their attention somehow!” Tyler defends his actions. “Are you guys coming to Warren’s party tonight?”
“He’s having another party?” I ask. He never mentioned anything to me today, and that’s something he’d usually tell me.
“He just sent us a text while you two were eye-fucking each other.”
My face heats up, and there’s a thump under the table before Tyler jumps in his seat. “Ow! It was a joke; you didn’t have to kick me!”
Jason sends him an innocent smile as he pops a grape into his mouth.
“Are you working tonight, Siena?” Nyah asks, changing the subject.
“I am, so I can’t come. But I’m sure Warren will have another party.”
“He will,” Nyah assures me, though I don’t really mind missing out on it. “I don’t think there’s been a single Friday night that Warren hasn’t thrown a party of various sizes, even if it’s only ten people.”