Page 99 of Belong With Me
“Oh, really? Is that why you moved out? My good looks were distracting you from getting anything done?”
He’s joking, but I play along. “That’sexactlywhy.”
He chuckles and gives my thigh a squeeze. “You’re welcome to move back in whenever. Natalia already misses you.”
I feign indignation. “And you don’t?”
“Oh, I do, but I’m a long game kind of man. I know we’ll be living together eventually. Maybe not today or next year or immediately after college, but we will.”
He says it so confidently, like there’s not a doubt in his mind that we’re going to end up together, and I have to contain the way my excitement threatens to bubble over, along with the speed of my heart.
“Speaking of moving,” Jason continues, “I drove by your old house today, and there was a for-sale sign at Officer Dickwad’s.”
“Wow, really?” I wonder if after everything he went through with Lily, they feel like they can’t live there anymore. It reminds me of a conversation I had with Zia Stella today. “My zia told me she went to the station yesterday to file a complaint against Officer Liu, and he’s been placed on administrative leave while they investigate. But she said even though the town isn’t tiny, it’s small enough that word will get out that he’s been going overboard during the investigation into Lily’s disappearance, which he never should’ve been a part of due to the conflict of interest. Anyway, she said there’s already talk that he’s going to resign.”
Jason gives my thigh another squeeze, and though it’s for support, I get tingles from the action. “I’m glad you trusted her enough to tell her what was going on.”
“Enough was enough,” I tell him. “Part of me was scared that she wouldn’t believe me like every other time I’ve tried to talk to an adult, but not only did she believe me, she was pissed enough on my behalf to storm into the station and not leave until they took her seriously.” I grab his hand and hold it. “I’m sorry I never let you tell Natalia what was happening.”
He’s gentle as he intertwines his fingers with mine.
“Everything worked out the way it was meant to.”
My phone vibrates in the cupholder, and the screen lights up with Nyah’s name. Jason notices.
“You girls friends again?”
“We were nevernotfriends, but after the way she brushed me off at school, we’ve been trying to get back to normal.”
My phone’s been off practically all week, and after I hung up with Florence yesterday, I went through all the texts I missed. Nyah sent me one Monday when I was sent home from school after our weird interaction that morning.
Sorry for my reaction earlier. I don’t care what everyone is saying. I was freaked out at first, but then I realized that I know you and shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions. I don’t know what happened, but I should’ve talked to you. Call me please.
I can’t lie, I was upset by her reaction. She was supposed to be my friend, and she acted like she was ashamed of me, like she actually believed what people were saying about my being involved with Lily’s disappearance, but I appreciate that she apologized and reached out. If I had seen it, I would’ve replied, but since I didn’t answer all week, she continued sending texts. On Friday morning, she said she heard I was back at school and wanted to grab lunch. On Friday night, she sent a text in all caps.
Her follow-up texts were her sharing that news had spread about Lily being fine and that she ran away.
Apparently, Lily posted on social media explaining the situation but leaving out Warren’s name, and the entire school has been messaging Nyah about it. We’ve been talking ever since.
“We’re going to get dinner after school tomorrow,” I tell him.
“And you’re sure you’re fine with dealing with the kids at school?” he asks, checking in. “Everyone may have moved on and started talking about Lily’s reappearance, but they’re not just going to drop Stan.”
“I’m done caring what other people think of me.
Whether they think I’m a mini-Florence or a murderer, I don’t care. I know who I am, and the people important to me know who I am, and that’s what’s matters.”
His smile is so beautiful it almost hurts. “Good. And don’t you ever forget it.”
I feel so lucky at the moment, I wish he wasn’t driving so I could jump on him. “Thank you for having my back, Jason.”
“Always. And I’m assuming we’re taking what really happened with Stan in LA to the grave?”
“Yes. Zia Stella knows, and Gia’s talking to a therapist she trusts, but other than that, no one will ever find out.”
Jason purses his lips. “Huh, so Jackson and I aren’t the only siblings who got away with killing a guy and taking the secret to the grave.”