Page 97 of City of the Dead
“I hope so,” said Renny, doubtfully.
“We need…something,” said Rodney.
“Mom and Dad,” said Renny. “They could help us.”
I said, “Where are they?”
“Vacation,” said Rodney.
“A cruise on a ship,” said Renny. “They’re supposed to call us tonight.”
“I hope they do,” said Rodney.
“Do you have their number?”
Both of them recited a 310 that I copied. “Thanks. We’ll do our best to get you in touch.”
Renny said, “They’re on a ship, sir.”
Rodney grimaced. “What…it was just supposed to be…”
“Protecting her,” said Renny. “She said he was dangerous.”
“We were trying to help ’cause she cut our hair.”
“Wereallydidn’t know.”
Milo came back. “Okay, guys.”
His reappearance seemed to calm the twins. I’ve seen that before. People comforted by his presence.
Families of victims. Others who’d done no wrong.
These two had no idea.
I knew what they’d done but I found myself feeling sorry for them and told Milo about their parents.
He said, “Out to sea, huh? Where?”
Twin head shakes.
“Okay, give me that number.”
“Here you go.”
He pocketed the credit slip I’d used. “Great. Once we figure things out, guys, we can put you in touch with your parents. Meanwhile, it’s going to get a little busy around here. A bunch of people are coming over and guess what, you know one of them. Moses Reed.”
Dual blank looks.
“Blond guy, a little older than you, used to work out at Magnet Gym?”
Continued confusion.
Milo said, “Maybe you knew him as Moe? Blond crew cut, around your heights, maybe two twenty-five.”
Head shakes.
“He knowsyouguys. Says he used to spot your bench presses.”