Page 48 of The Ghost Orchid
She said, “I like you so I’m warning you. These are two of the most unpleasant people who’ve ever crossed my threshold. Massive money on both sides, you’d think they could each just walk away and continue being rich. Instead, they keep getting stratospherically arrogant and kicking up the anger level.”
I said, “Pit-bull attorneys?”
“No, actually okay attorneys. High-powered but smart enough not to be unnecessarily stupid. Unfortunately, they seem to be withering and one’s already talking about bailing. So the dogs of war mayeventually come snorting in. Now, in terms of positives, I made it clear that you’ll be paid up front and I suggest that you price yourself generously because once the process gets going, I can see the principals welshing.”
“Sounds like a whole lot of fun,” I said. “How old’s the child?”
“Fifteen-year-old boy.”
The wishes of adolescents are taken seriously in family court so I rarely work with them.
I said, “What does he have to say about custody?”
“Haven’t heard him say a thing,” she said. “If I had to guess, it would be ‘Someone take me. Please.’ ”
“Neither of them wants custody?”
“That’s what it looks like.”
“God, that’s sad.”
“He’s been in boarding school since the age of nine, is currently at some preppy place in Massachusetts and scheduled to stay there during the entire summer session. From what I can gather, his parents, if you can call them that, pushed the empty-nest thing as soon as they could. Now both of them have new love interests, neither of whom has any interest in poor Derek.”
“What is it you think I can do, Julie?”
“I don’t have a clue. But someone should do something.”
“Let me think about it.”
“No problem, Alex, it’s not going to be imminent, I just wanted to get my ducks in a row. And just for the record, I didn’t ask someone else before you. When it gets complicated, I’ve found you ideal for the situation.”
I laughed.
She said, “Seriously, I appreciate your ability to contextualize and this case will require it. Anyway, sorry if I’ve wasted your time.”
“Never, Julie.”
She said, “There you go. Gallant. Another reason I warned you.”
When I returned to Milo’s office he was still on the phone. Straining at Mr. Friendly but slipping steadily.
He saw me and jabbed a middle finger up at the ceiling.
I left the building to get some air, strolled up Butler Avenue and phoned Robin and told her I’d be back by six or so.
She said, “Fits my schedule.”
“How’s the Torres?”
“Beginning to reclaim its gorgeousness. What’ve you been up to, hon?”
“Not much on the case and just heard something pathetic from my other world.”
I told her about the unwanted boy.
She said, “You are breaking my heart. What does this judge think you can do?”