Page 60 of The Death Games
The grenade adhered to the ceiling of his pod, the blinking now a frenzied pace.
Desperate to escape the impending explosion within the confines of his pod, the Zylvari lay flat on the ground.
I pulled Riley close, shielding her with my body. “Hold on,” I whispered into her ear, feeling her nod against my chest.
The beeping reached a crescendo, and then, in a blast of light and sound, the grenade exploded.
The force of the explosion rocked our pods, and through the haze and smoke, I could see the telltale signs of destruction in the Zylvari’s enclosure.
Blood, fur, and remnants of what was once a formidable opponent.
Taking a moment to collect ourselves, Riley and I scanned the array of pods.
All four were splattered with the gruesome evidence of the competitors who hadn’t made it, making our survival all the more surreal.
As the initial shock subsided, realization hit us both simultaneously.
We were the last pair standing in this perilous Mating Game.
Riley’s eyes sparkled with a combination of triumph and disbelief. “We… we did it, Talan.”
I nodded, grinning. “We did it.”
Before we could savor the moment further, the pods started their familiar hum, prepping for the next phase of the game.
This time, the sensation was different.
There was no dread, no fear of the unknown competitors or deadly challenges.
We had faced them and emerged victorious.
The countdown continued, each second bringing with it a rising anticipation.
“Three… Two… One…”
Our pods vibrated with an energy that resonated with our own excitement.
As the final digit was announced, I pulled Riley close, our bodies melding in a tight embrace.
The world around us blurred, the sensation of motion unlike any previous launch.
It was as if the very universe was celebrating our triumph, propelling us toward a future that held promise and hope.
Holding onto each other, we let out jubilant laughs, the sound echoing within the confines of our pod.
Every challenge, every near-death experience, and every second of fear was worth it for this moment.
Riley looked up at me, her eyes shining with tears of joy.
As the pod sped onwards, we held onto each other, our shared elation illuminating the journey ahead.
* * *
The pod careened through space, the initial euphoria of our triumph soon replaced by the turbulence of our descent.
I clutched onto the sides, feeling Riley’s fingers digging into my arm.
The whirring and clanging of machinery grew louder, and before we could brace ourselves, we crash-landed with a jolt that sent both of us sprawling onto the platform’s lush grass.