Page 69 of The Death Games
Drawing a deep breath, I nodded, wiping away the stray tears that had formed. “Okay,” I whispered, trying to muster some courage. “Okay.”
He looked down at me, his eyes reflecting the same myriad of emotions I felt. “Come on,” he said, his voice firm yet gentle. “We have to find somewhere safe.”
* * *
Sitting among the high limbs of a tree, I wrapped my arms tightly around myself, trying to combat the cold.
The view was both breathtaking and daunting.
The vast expanse of the platform stretched out before us, illuminated by the eerie glow of the floating platforms in the sky.
But my mind wasn’t on the landscape.
It was on the impending threat that now lurked somewhere below us.
Talan’s face was a mask of concern. “Krexar is unlike any opponent we’ve faced so far, Riley. He’s cunning, ruthless, and incredibly skilled. I’ve known of him for many cycles, and his reputation precedes him.”
I frowned, trying to keep my fear at bay. “But we managed to outsmart and kill all the other aliens. How is he any different?”
Talan sighed. “It’s not the same. Each of those contestants was a different species, each with its own set of strengths and weaknesses. We were able to exploit those. But Krexar is the same species as me. He knows every tactic, every move I’ll make. Predicting him would be like trying to predict myself.”
I chewed on my lip, thinking. “Then we need to do something heisn’texpecting.”
Talan quirked an eyebrow. “And what would that be?”
My mind raced.
We needed an advantage, something unique to us, something that Krexarwouldn’tsee coming.
Talan had strength, combat skills, and knowledge of this place.
But what didIbring to the table?
Then, an idea started to form. “Talan, every time we reset, doallour previous actions reset too?”
Talan looked thoughtful. “Sometimes yes, sometimes no. The Malquarans can alter the rules of the Game as they please. It’s a gamble.”
I nodded slowly, thinking back to our previous rounds, trying to identify something that had remained on the platform from one round to the next.
I couldn’t think of any… but that didn’t mean it didn’t happen.
“I have an idea,” I said, “but I don’t know if it will work. But I do know that we can’t win by just hiding. We need to be proactive.”
Talan’s gaze met mine, filled with a mix of admiration and gratitude. “Yes. Yes, you’re right.”
A blush warmed my cheeks. “I’m just doing what I have to. And so are you.”
The gentle breeze rustled the leaves around us, and for a brief moment, the world felt still.
The vast universe, with all its galaxies and mysteries, seemed to narrow down to just the two of us in this treetop.
Talan extended his hand toward me, palm open. “Together?”
I placed my hand in his, feeling the familiar warmth and strength. “Always.”
Our fingers intertwined, sealing the pact between us.