Page 63 of Corrupted Union
Fair enough.
None of us said another word on the way up or even as we entered the apartment. Caitlin greeted us in the living room, her smile faltering at the cutting stares she received in return.
“What’s going on?” she asked hesitantly.
“Why don’t you have a seat?” Oran nodded toward the sofa. “We need to talk.”
Her eyes drifted down the line of us before she complied. Torin, Conner, and I stationed ourselves around the perimeter of the room.
“You’re kind of freaking me out.”
No one said a word.
Oran slowly stalked toward his wife. “How far back have you been planning this, Caitlin?” His voice was the menacing rumble of an angry panther.
Her brow furrowed. “What?”
“Was our marriage all a part of your plan to strike at us, or did you simply use the opportunity to your advantage?”
“Strike at you? Oran, I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Her wide eyes followed him intently as he began to pace.
“You made the call to my dad that night. You and I were the only ones who knew he’d be there.”
Her jaw dropped as though ready to dispute him, but he continued.
“I didn’t want to believe it, but when the guns went missing, I knew something was wrong. We had a mole at best and a fuckingtraitorat worst. You did a good job making it look like me. Fooled my cousins.” He reached behind his back and pulled out a black 9 mm. Stepping forward, he casually placed the barrel against her temple.
Caitlin’s body shuddered with a sob, tears filling her eyes. “Please, Oran. I didn’t want to do any of it.Please, he gave me no choice.”
“Flynn?” She gave a jerky nod.
Oran lowered the gun, still staring at her with ruthless calm. “You better pray that’s the truth.” He shot a look at Conner, who pushed off the wall and joined them with a small black box in his hands.
“Wha-what’s that?” she stuttered.
Conner lay the case on the coffee table and took out a syringe and small glass vial.
“Oran, what’s he doing? Please, baby. You’re scaring me.”
His patience thinning, he snatched her chin in his hand, squeezing her cheeks between thumb and fingers. “You should be scared, Caitlin. You’re about to tell us everything we ask, and if I judge you even the tiniest bit guilty, I’ll kill you my fucking self.”
Three yawning seconds passed in poignant silence before Caitlin jerked out of his hold and scurried away from him.
“Don’t you fucking touch me,” she hissed, eyes blazing. “You’re fucking cowards, all of you. You deserve everything that’s come to you and worse.”
Oran lunged for her, snagging her wrist, then clamped his other hand around her throat. Torin and I rushed over to restrain her arms behind her back. She thrashed against us like a feral animal.
Jesus Christ.
A part of me had still felt certain there’d been a misunderstanding. She couldn’t have possibly been responsible. But there was no refuting the vicious hate spewing from her eyes. Her deception had been so extreme, I wondered if there weren’t somehow two of her because I’d never met the woman in front of us.
Once Torin and I had her secured, Oran released his hold, allowing breath back into her lungs. She coughed and wheezed. Her body vibrated with hate and fury when she finally lifted her stare back to her husband.
“I won’t tell youshit. I don’t care what you inject me with.”
Conner flicked the full syringe. “Why don’t we test that theory, huh?”
Torin and I held tight as Conner plunged the needle into her arm. Caitlin winced, clamping her mouth shut. We’d seen the drug in action, so we knew it was only a matter of time. Fifteen minutes later, her eyes rolled back as her lids drifted shut. Her entire body almost liquefied until we had to sit her down onto the couch.