Page 70 of Corrupted Union
Rowan’s eyes finally flicked to mine, triggering a shuttered gasp for air. She lowered the gun, her hand suddenly wrought with tremors. She’d held it together, but only just.
“Keir, my mom.”
“I know, little lamb. Help is coming,” I assured her, squatting next to her and placing a kiss on the top of her head.
She never let her eyes stray from Stetson.
“I didn’t leave. I wouldn’t leave her.” The childlike innocence in her voice wrenched my heart wide open.
“You did so good.”
Stetson groaned. “Jesus, you two are fucking disgusting. The pussy’s not that good, man.”
I slowly stood and turned my attention back to the man who had been at the center of all our trouble. “You’ve got some balls for a man with a gun pointed at him.”
“Cops are on their way. What are you gonna do?” he quipped with cocky defiance, expecting Daddy to get him out of any legal mess. Only, the sort of trouble he’d brewed by pissing me off didn’t involve lawyers.
Vile satisfaction carved a wicked grin across my face. “Your point?” I raised the gun and shot him right in the crotch. It was the least of what any man like him deserved.
A glimmer of satisfaction brightened my mood at the sound of his pained wailing. The evolutionary failure curled in on himself, attempting to protect what was left of his junk. I closed the distance between us and squatted near his grimacing face.
“It brings me great joy to inform you that you have sorely misjudged the situation,” I explained quietly, my voice a menacing purr. “This is only the beginning of your suffering.”
As if summoned by fate, two figures joined us in the room, casting an ominous shadow over my new toy.
“Fuck, man. Thought I’d never catch up with you.” Oran and one of the younger guys from the warehouse stood in the doorway, assessing the situation. “Sounded like you could use some backup, though it looks like you have it handled.”
“Yes and no. Cops are on their way, and this one’s mine.” I motioned to a weeping Stetson and handed Oran my gun. “Get him out of here for me; I’ll deal with him later.”
They didn’t even flinch. Oran kicked Stetson in the head to knock him out, then hoisted his unconscious body over a shoulder in a fireman’s hold. The two men weren’t in the house for five minutes total.
I was finally able to join Rowan on the floor. Thank God.
Her mother was still breathing but unconscious. She’d need immediate surgery, and even then, I wasn’t sure she’d make it. I pulled Rowan close, making sure she could keep pressure on her mother’s wound. Her body shook uncontrollably in my arms as sirens rounded the corner and stopped out front. When the EMTs swarmed inside, I pulled Rowan away from her mother’s side, sweeping her into my arms.
“Keir, I can’t leave her.” Her voice was shrill with growing panic.
I forced her eyes to mine. “You aren’t leaving her; you’re letting these folks do their jobs,” I said in a soothing but firm voice.
“I have to stay with her. She’ll be alone if I don’t.” Fat, heavy tears pooled on her lashes before tumbling down her cheeks.
“I’m about to call your dad. He’ll meet her at the hospital so she won’t be alone.”
“I can ride with her, though. Until he gets to her.”
I shook my head. “No, baby. You’ll be in the way. The best thing you can do for her right now is to let the medics help her.”
Her eyes clamped shut with frustration, but she nodded in short, jerky movements.
I asked the crew what hospital they’d go to and told them about the man who’d been injured out front. I had forgotten about him and had no clue if he was alive or dead, nor did I truly care.
Once that was addressed, I opened my phone and dialed Alexander.
“Keir?” he answered, worry plain in his voice.
“There’s been a development. I need you to stay calm.”
“What’s happened?”