Page 31 of Ruthless Salvation
Torin was quiet for so long, I gave in and peered up at him. The intensity in his turquoise irises stole my breath.
“Boundaries make me think you don’t like what’s happening between us.” He brought his lips close to my ear, grazing his teeth over my lobe. “Makes me think you didn’t enjoy what we did.” He kissed my neck in languorous, unhurried reverence, his fist closing in my hair and angling my head for better access.
His touch was assertive yet devout. My breath shuddered, and my body arched into his, desperately needing more. No matter how soundly my mind believed Torin was bad for me, my body and heart disagreed. The conflict devolved into outright mutiny.
“Tell me you don’t like what I’m doing. Tell me to stop.” He breathed against my heated skin.
My shaking hand clasped his shirt in answer, pulling him closer.
I felt his lips pull apart in a smile. “That’s my girl. You want this just as much as I do.” His hand slipped effortlessly into the waist of my leggings. Not only did I not stop him but my eyes rolled back into my head as I spread my legs for him.
His touch unraveled me.
Maybe I’d simply gone too long without sex. I didn’t have an explanation. I just knew I needed to feel him touching me more than I needed life itself.
In seconds, he stirred a storm of sensation, a tsunami of pleasure threatening my shores. Right before the wave could crest, he stilled.
“I can stop, Stormy. I can walk out of here and leave you alone. Is that what you want?”
I shook my head frantically, embarrassing myself with how quickly I’d abandoned my principles.
“Not enough, beautiful. I need words.” He gave one lazy stroke over my clit. “Did you like it when I fucked you?”
Like it? I freaking loved it. His otherworldly touch was the only reason I couldn’t think straight.
“Yes, I liked it. I wanted it,” I conceded hoarsely.
“Mmm…” His masculine rumble purred across my skin, summoning an army of goose bumps. “Tell me to make you come. Make me believe you mean it.”
“Please, Torin. I need it. Please, let me come.” I didn’t even recognize myself anymore. This Stormy wasn’t the woman I knew. This was Torin’s Storm, and she frightened me. She did exactly as she pleased; consequences be damned.
“Fuck, you’reperfect.” Torin’s voice was pure reverence. “You’re my little taste of heaven, and I’m going to make you come so hard you’ll forget the word boundaries ever existed.”
He was half right. He did make me come, and it was spectacular. So exquisite that it took a half hour of waiting tables before I felt steady on my legs again. But I didn’t forget about my need for boundaries. All he did was solidify in my mind that my heart was a damn fool.
I had zero control where he was concerned.
First thing the following morning, I started my job search. I would try to move within the city. If that didn’t work, it would be time to disappear.
I shouldn’t have admittedwhat a creeper I’d been, but damn did it feel good.
At first, I’d just wanted to see her set aside the constant sunshine and show me what lay underneath. That felt pretty fucking phenomenal, but I was surprised at how good it also felt to come clean about my true nature and not have her run screaming. Far from it. She possessed so much strength and tenacity—her courage was incredible. I was drawn to her warmth, but the fight inside her captured my respect.
Storm didn’t cower from me. I’d let her see more of me than I’d shown anyone else, and she accepted me exactly as I was. Begged me to touch her.
Please, Torin. I need it.
When I heard those words, I felt like I’d won a fucking world title.
Except I hadn’t won anything. She technically wasn’t mine, and that fact chafed more and more each day. Everything about Storm was a slippery slope, and I inched nearer to the edge with each interaction. If I wasn’t careful, I would lose myself and careen to the bottom in a mindless plight to claim her.
I tried not to dwell on that eventuality. If I began to believe I had no control over the matter, I’d surrender myself to my cravings for her. That was dangerous for both of us.
Fortunately, her modicum of surrender had quelled my insistent thirst. For the moment. Enough to allow me to regain some semblance of rational thought. I was able to let her be even though I could tell she still wasn’t her usual self. The rest of the night was uneventful—girls danced, horny men tossed money at them, and I stuck to the shadows as I watched the woman who was slowly driving me insane.
* * *