Page 42 of Ruthless Salvation
Thank Christ for stretchy leggings—they were so much easier to get into than jeans. My hand was against her skin and sliding between her slick folds in seconds. “You don’t get to say shit like that, angel. Not without making me need to reward you.”
Stormy’s body froze beneath my touch. “Don’t call me that.” She gave a couple sharp shakes of her head. “Anything but that.”
Her visceral reaction stunned me. Why did she hate being called angel?
“Hey,shh.” I tried to soothe her, noting her pulse point thrumming at the base of her neck. “It won’t happen again. Promise.”
She gave an almost childlike nod. It was the most vulnerable I’d ever seen her, and it caused something to shift inside me. From the beginning, I’d wanted to possess and protect her. Those two desires came somewhat naturally to me. This new yearning she’d unlocked was different. It wasn’t about physical protection. I wanted to take care of her—make sure she never had reason to worry and make damn certain that light in her eyes never dimmed.
A shiver cascaded down my spine as I licked my lips and prepared to do something I hadn’t done since high school. I was going to kiss a woman. Not just any woman. I was going to kiss Stormy Lawson because she might not have been my angel, but she sure as hell had my heart.
Our breath was the first to mingle before my lips hesitantly grazed hers. I wanted to take it slowly, not out of fear but rather to savor the moment. I wanted her to feel the depth of meaning I placed in my actions because nothing I did was ever arbitrary. I lived each day with intent, and today, I gave Storm a piece of myself I’d never given to another.
My hands cupped either side of her face as my lips pressed ardently against hers. The way her lips softened against mine, her body melting into me, made me ravenous. I deepened the kiss, allowing my tongue to graze hers. Her taste was euphoric. Sweet yet sultry and so damn radiant it could have been pure sunshine.
We devoured one another, teeth grazing and tongues rolling. My lungs ached with each deeply held breath as I tried to take some part of her with me, even if just the air she breathed. What I couldn’t possess, I memorized. Touch. Taste. Feel. I impressed every minute detail possible into my memory banks, hoping to keep this moment alive forever in my mind’s eye. Because eventually, I had to pull away, though it made the savage inside me thrash violently against his iron cage.
“I should probably get to work,” she murmured, her words breathy and lips delectably swollen.
“The boss won’t mind if you need to take a minute.” I cupped the back of her neck and pulled her in for one last press of our lips before letting go and opening the door behind her.
“It’s the customers I’m worried about.” She smiled shyly. “They’ll start to riot soon.”
“You know I don’t let anyone disrespect you. Someone gets mouthy, I’m just one look away.”
Storm bit back a smile and shook her head at me in playful admonishment before going back into the club. If only she knew the full extent of what I’d done for her. There was a reason the patrons who bothered her never did it again. They’d be dead if they did, and each one of them knew it. I’d made sure the message was well received after I followed them home.
Storm would likely be appalled.
Good thing my conscience was clean because I wasn’t about to stop.
I refused to be a victim.I’d told myself years ago that I would learn from my experiences, but I was absolutely not allowed to play the victim. For that reason, I made an effort to look on the bright side of every situation. I didn’t want the pain of my past to taint my future. I was a survivor.
That being said, I had no control over my reaction to Torin calling me angel. That term had history. It had meaning for me that Torin couldn’t fathom, and the fact that he’d chosen to call me that had shaken me. But his response to my distress had been the perfect balm.
He was gentle and reassuring and respectful, all at the flip of a switch. The instant he realized I was upset, he didn’t get defensive or try to convince me I was being silly. He listened. He understood.
Those two things were more attractive than any fancy suit or set of dimples.
And that kiss? Sweet Mother Mary, was that the best kiss of my life. I could have stayed in that closet, lips pressed to Torin’s, and died a happy woman.
I didn’t like showing my vulnerable side, but if that was the reward, I had to reconsider. It felt good to let down my guard. I let myself mull over my feelings as I worked that night and realized something huge.
I wanted to trust Torin.
I wanted to have a partner and know my heart was safe in his hands, but how could I when he did crazy things like freak out just because his cousin asked for my help? I had baggage with that sort of behavior that made me a little more wary than other women might be. He was still a little over the top, but even the little things scared me.
A thought I hadn’t considered before occurred to me.
I could always tell him the truth—help him understand why I was so cautious by telling him about my past. I could let him see exactly what he was getting into by wanting to be with me. If it scared him off, problem solved. If it didn’t, maybe we’d have a chance. Maybe, for once, I’d feel safe. And as a bonus, I wouldn’t have to run. That alone made the notion worth considering.
I’d hidden for so long that exposing my past felt frightening. How would Torin react? There was a real chance he and his Irish family would be furious to know what I’d brought to their doorstep.
That’s only if danger ever does arrive. Though at this point, what are the chances?
It was something to consider. Maybe sometime when my blood wasn’t buzzing with endorphins.