Page 58 of Ruthless Salvation
Both of us crouched to examine her. Jesus, she was a mess. One eye swelling shut. Black tears staining her cheeks. An arm clasped around her middle as though attempting to hold herself together. I had to force myself to listen to her words before the rage took over again.
“It was my own damn fault. I had a feeling someone was following me on my way home, and I should have listened to my instincts.” She wouldn’t look at me. She wouldn’t look at either of us. It wasn’t like her. Something was horribly off.
“You need a place to stay?” My cousin’s question startled me. Was he volunteering his place?
She nodded at him warily. “I can’t go back there right now.”
Fuck, no. She wasn’t going back to her place or to his. Storm was coming with me.
I shot to my feet, my hand digging into my jacket pocket. “Here’s the key to the bike. She’s coming with me.” No fucking way was I putting her on a motorcycle in her condition.
Keir stood, studying me curiously on the way. “Keys are still in the car, and I’m not taking Rowan on the damn bike. We’ll call an Uber.”
As long as I got Storm home safely, I didn’t care if they walked home.
Keir stopped me before I could lower myself to carry her. “You sure you’re okay to handle this? She’s not up for an interrogation.”
The fuck did he think I was going to do? Take her hostage?
“I’m not a total asshole, Keir,” I hissed back at him. If he tried to stop me from taking Storm, things would get ugly fast.
He grimaced. “I want an update tomorrow.”
I gave him a nod, then gingerly lifted my broken angel into my arms. She seemed so damn fragile. So unlike the spitfire ray of sunshine I was used to seeing.
A festering ball of rage swelled against the confines of my chest, aching to be unleashed.
Not now. I promised myself.But soon. This shit will not go unpunished.
My sobs had ebbedto a hollow numbness when the door to the locker room flung open. For a second, I thought Damyon had found me. My heart petrified into solid stone in the time it took for a bee’s wings to flap.
The realization that it was Torin and Keir brought on a wave of relief I had no right to feel. The mixture of competing emotions had me feeling like a puddle of hopelessness pooled on the dirty concrete floor.
This was so incredibly bad—the exact opposite of what I’d wanted to happen. I’d just been coming to grips with the fact that it was better for everyone if I disappeared, and now … everything was a complicated mess. Yet my relief at seeing Torin was undeniable.
My head screamed at me about consequences, but my agonized body and heart were adamant Torin equaled safety. They were convinced he would provide the stronghold I so desperately needed, helping to silence my fears for the time being.
Not that I had much say in their involvement.
The savagery in Torin’s eyes made it clear he was now in charge. Any protests by me would be futile, and that was its own source of relief. Torin was taking me to his place. Nothing I said or did would change his mind or derail that plan. For once, I was forced to hand over control and simply … breathe.
My relief was so overwhelming that when he lifted me into his arms, a part of me wished he’d never let go. The comfort of his presence even alleviated my physical pain. With such an intoxicating impact on me, it was no wonder I couldn’t seem to cut ties with him.
“Hang in there, sweet girl. I’m taking you home.” The whispered words blanketed my soul in warmth.
The second we stepped outside, Rowan came rushing over. “Oh my God. Stormy, are you okay?” She placed her hand gingerly on my shoulder like she wanted to do more but was afraid.
Keir put his arm around her and pulled her into his side. “She’s had a rough night. We’re going to let Torin handle it.”
“Wha—” Whatever protest or question she might have had died a quick death after a single sharp look from Keir.
Tor ignored her completely, continuing to the car. “Someone needs to head over to her place and see if the asshole’s still there.”
Keir started to reply, but I cut him off. “No!You can’t do that, please. It’s dangerous. Please, don’t.” This night had already gone so wrong. I would feel wretched if the Byrnes went to my place and ended up in a showdown with Damyon.
Tor must have heard the sharp edge of my panic. “Hey, hey. It’s okay. We don’t have to go over right away.”