Page 75 of Ruthless Salvation
“We could send a message via Boris.” Oran. Fucking Oran.
I wasn’t sure what I’d expected when I’d called everyone together, but it wasn’t the show of timid uncertainty I was witnessing. I’d known Oran would be an issue. He was still licking his wounds after his cunt of a wife betrayed us. The others had no excuse.
Keir finally decided to chime in. “We can go that route, but it’ll take more time. We’ve never formed any sort of alliance with the Russians. They’d be more apt to talk to us if we went through the Italians since they have connections. It’s a touch more complicated but probably our best option.”
Heads nodded all around.
It was decided, and I’d been outvoted. They were making a huge fucking mistake.
With Keir’s blessing, we spent the next half hour discussing diplomatic measures and strategy. I had nothing to add to this bullshit, so I kept my mouth shut. None of them would see things the way I did, so I would bide my time and handle the matter on my own. I wasn’t about to sit back and wait to see if Damyon attacked before I took action.
As much as I hated to admit it, he and I were similar. We were both single-minded in our pursuits and ruthless when it came to our desires. The only way to stop him was to kill him, and the only way to kill him was to flush him out. I’d find a way to do it.
Damyon wanted what was mine.
I’d burn down the entire city before I let him have her.
Guilt wasan insidious vine that choked out the life of every other emotion. I suffocated on the inside as I sat in that room. So many lives were at risk because of me, and I still hadn’t told Torin everything. It was no wonder my stomach had revolted.
By the time the meeting adjourned, I wanted to crawl into a hole and never come out.
“We have one quick stop to make before I take you to Keir’s place for the night.” Torin opened the car door and helped me in, still mindful of my tender ribs.
“Just me? You’re not going with me?”
“I’ll be back there later. I have a few things I need to do, and I don’t want you left alone.” His voice rang with malice so cold and calculating it sent a shiver down my spine.
“Please, be careful,” I said softly once he sat behind the wheel.
Torin didn’t respond.
Minutes later, we pulled up in front of a jewelry store. My stomach clenched tight again. I’d heard him from the other room when he’d told the family his plans to marry me. Surely, he hadn’t meant so soon, had he?
With Torin, anything was possible.
We walked inside the jewelry boutique. It wasn’t a big box shop. The sign out front advertised custom pieces and repair, and inside were several glass displays showing off the decidedly unique artistry. I wasn’t sure what to think.
“Luther.” Torin nodded to an older man who joined us from the back. “I’m going to need that piece now. I hope it’s ready.”
Ready? Had he already commissioned something for me? When had he had the time?
Curiosity helped distract from my worry as I watched the man set out a cloth on the glass counter and unveil a gorgeous gold necklace.
At least, I thought that was what it was. The length was right, but the rest was confusing. It had no clasp, just a beautiful circular medallion the size of a dime on one end of a chain.
“It’s the Byrne family crest,” Torin said, handing it over for a closer inspection.
I studied the intricate detail and noted an inscription on the back.Mo rúnsearc.
“What does it say?”
“That you’re under our protection.” He kept his eyes lowered as he encircled my neck with the chain. “The length is good.”
“It still needs a clasp,” I pointed out.
Torin’s azure eyes met mine. “It’s not the sort of thing you take off.” His meaning settled deep in my chest, filling me until my lungs burned. This was Torin’s way of making a pledge. Of telling his family and the world that I was his.