Page 34 of Vicious Seduction
“Let’s hope your prowess is better than your memory. I said it’s never happening, and I meant it.” I leaned back against the elevator wall opposite Oran and truly took him in for the first time that evening. His suit was impeccable. Black on black with no tie. His gray eyes ringed with thick black lashes were even more prominent, like shimmering diamonds set on a black velvet display.
“Keep looking at me like that, and itwillhappen right there against that elevator wall.” The hint of warning in his gravelly words told me he wasn’t joking.
A bowl of cotton sprouted in my mouth and sucked out every bit of moisture. I kept my lips sealed the rest of the way to the church.
Oran wasn’t lying when he said we were late. We missed the entire ceremony and walked into the reception just as the groom launched the garter at the crowd. Only, the garter missed the group and landed smack against Oran’s chest like a heat-seeking missile. He reflexively caught the scrap of satin, waving it good-naturedly above his head as if he’d planned the whole thing.
The room burst into cheers. All eyes were on us, each curious stare pricking at my skin like a swarm of hungry mosquitos. Fortunately, the crowd quickly dispersed back into smaller groups, alleviating the tension until I realized the bride and groom themselves were walking our way along with another couple.
This was it. Time for the show.
“Congratulations, you two.” Oran hugged the groom andgave the bride a small kiss. The newlyweds made a lovely pair. She had a wholesome beauty to her, and the smitten look in his eyes was enviable. He was head over heels in love and didn’t care who knew. I respected that in a man.
“I’m so sorry I was late, but it couldn’t be helped. You see, we have some news of our own to celebrate.” His words rang in my ears, horror enveloping me.
He wouldn’t. Not at someone else’s wedding. Surely, he knew better.
“Everyone, I’d like to introduce Lina Schultze, my fiancée.”
Mother. Fucker.
Apparently, he didn’t know better. Or he just didn’t care. Either way, I was mortified.
The two couples gaped at us with such shock that my palms tingled with unease. His announcement was unexpected—that was a given—but his family stared at us as if he’d told them he planned to move to Antarctica and spend the remainder of his life studying penguins.
“Oran, what a wonderful surprise.” The bride regained her composure first, giving Oran a hug before turning to me. “Lina, I’m Stormy. It’s lovely to meet you.”
“Thank you, Stormy. I’m so sorry to hijack your day. I told Oran he needed to wait.” It was a white lie. We hadn’t discussed the matter, but hell if I was going to get on their bad side before I’d even met them. I had no qualms about throwing him under the bus.
“This calls for a toast,” announced the man with a striking redhead on his arm. Or she would have been striking if all the color hadn’t drained from her face.
Between her reaction and the twitch I’d noticed in the groom’s eye, I felt more conscientious than ever. I was unwelcome here.
How dare Oran put me in this situation? Especially with no warning.
I was so freaking pissed, I could have strangled the man. Instead, I chose a more passive-aggressive route. I had to comply with our agreement, after all.
When the server presented a tray of champagne flutes, Iaccidentallyknocked a glass down the front of Oran’s beautiful suit. It was a shame, really, but the man deserved it.
Hell, he’d done the same to me two weeks earlier.
“Oh, baby! Howclumsyof me.” Each word was more saccharine than the last.
“It’s no problem,sweetheart.” He began to dab at his shirt with a napkin, leaning toward me. “You can lick it off me later,” he added in a voice that was not nearly quiet enough for my taste.
In your dreams.
I smiled at the bride as she placed a hand on my arm. “I’m so glad you two could make it, and congratulations again.” She quickly turned to the redhead, and the two scurried off to the restroom.
Oh well. It wasn’t the first time I’d been the subject of rumors, and it wouldn’t be the last.
I took a slow, deep breath in preparation for a night full of maddeningly awkward conversations. I was going to have to find a way to pay back Oran.
Maybe a kiss…
With my fist…
To his face.