Page 5 of Vicious Seduction
“Better, I suppose.”
“I can’t believe you’ve been seeing this guy for three months, and he still hasn’t come up here.”
Get used to it because that’s not happening.
“Yeah, he’s pretty private.” Jessa knew me well enough from living together over the years, though we weren’t overly close. It was probably my fault. I was more guarded than most, but the living arrangement worked well for us. Jess knew bits and pieces of my past—enough to paint a picture without giving too many details. And she knew my estranged family had come back into the picture, but I hadn’t told her more because I preferred to pretend that part of my life didn’t exist, Lawrence and Olympus included. “This one isn’t long-term, trust me.” I tossed my clutch on the coffee table and slid off my heels. “How was your evening?”
“You’re looking at it.”
My shoulders sagged as I sighed deeply. “You lucky whore.”
She burst out laughing and threw a pillow at my head. “Hey now, you could have been just as lucky. You chose to go out.”
My laughter faded at the thought of just how wrong she was. “I suppose I did.” I unzipped my dress and turned away from my roommate, hoping she didn’t see my face fall. I couldn’t help it. Her words were a reminder of just how little choice I really had.
Bemoaning my circumstances only made me hate myself more than I already did.
I was to blame for my situation—for everything that had happened—so it was my responsibility to make it right. I had no business complaining.
I put on my pajamas and settled into my sewing station near the window. The main living space in our apartment was oversized by city standards, which was good because it served as my bedroom, closet, and office, along with our living, kitchen, and dining rooms. Jessa had a small bedroomand paid a premium share of the rent for that privilege. My futon sofa was all I’d needed when my focus was so absorbed in my design career.
“You working tonight?” she asked, clicking off the television.
“Yeah, I want to get a little further on this one dress before I call it a night.” Plus, sewing was therapeutic for me. When I cleared my mind to focus on the delicate stitches that went into a designer garment, all my worries evaporated. When I was sewing, I was free, and I needed that right now.
“Sounds good. I’m gonna head to bed.”
“Night, Jess.”
I clicked on my task light and let the world fall away. It was a feeling I knew well—my favorite part of every day. Except this time, I couldn’t clear my mind. As I examined the expensive blue silk, I was reminded of the tiny hint of navy sheen to Oran’s tuxedo. That thought triggered a phantom touch down the center of my palm, which morphed into a full-body shiver.
The man was sex on a stick. Unapologetically seductive. Relentlessly charming. He was an over-the-top rom-com hero come to life minus the com because nothing about his potential to devastate was funny. Tropical storm Oran was on the horizon with Cat 5 potential.
Get a grip, Lina. You have to ignore him.
I’d gotten my first invitation to the Wellington mansion. I couldn’t waste the opportunity, whether it was Oran joining us or the Pope. Being there with Lawrence was all that mattered. Oran Byrne was irrelevant.
Oran Byrne couldn’t be irrelevant if his life depended on it.
Hell, I was in trouble.
The December airon my office balcony cut deep, but the two-hundred-year-old malt I sipped bit back. I liked the burn of both. They kept my head focused, and I needed that right now.
Tonight had been the first big step in my plans. I had to make sure everything played out perfectly, and I couldn’t afford distractions like a certain ice queen whose glacial stare I couldn’t seem to forget. I should have been running through scenarios to prepare for tomorrow's meeting. Instead, my mind was plagued with curiosity about Lina and her relationship with Wellington.
After spending an hour at the gaming table beside her, I grew increasingly intrigued. She’d come offas intelligent, confident, and intuitive—it was just a first impression, but mine were rarely wrong. Why the hell would a gorgeous woman like that be with a man like Wellington?
I did a brief internet search and saw that she came from money. That didn’t necessarily meanshehad money or would inherit her family's money, but was Wellington really necessary? What other motivation could she have besides money?
Daddy issues. It had to be.
I almost felt bad for her. Almost, but not quite.