Page 37 of From the Ground Up
She’s thinking too much, probably about Grady, but also I’m sure she’s wondering how we’re going to spend a week together without the distraction of our lives getting in the way, or as a buffer, depending on how we look at it. I want her comfortable and being able to recognize that no matter what hills we’ve had to climb, we’re still us.
“Want a drink or something?”
“Yeah, coffee, please,” she says looking out the window.
“You got it. Anything to eat?” I ask, trying to draw out more conversation with her.
“No. I’m good.”
I head inside to the gas station, grab a cup of coffee for her and one for me, then I proceed to the candy aisle. She said she didn’t want anything, but I know my girl. If I present her with some chocolate, it might soften her up a bit. I find a Caramello, knowing she can’t resist the combination of chocolate and caramel, and make my way to the front to pay. I glance out the window as I walk and see her head rested against the window.
I hate that she looks sad. She looks like if she could allow herself to float up to the clouds and rest her head on the soft pillows for a decade, she would. Between the two of us screwing up and accusing the other of looking at another person romantically, everything with Grady and the last few months of friction, the weight of the world seems to be on her shoulders, and I swear on my life I will take the heavy burden from her and release her from the prison that she’s living in.
I had hoped that my surprising her when I asked her to come to the cabin with me would bring her back to me. And it did, partially. But I think she is still letting her head to get in the way and isn’t allowing herself to realize that we’re back. We’re going to be back to us again. We’re going to fix us.
The quiet of the car ride ends now. I know one surefire way to bring her out of her funk, so I dig into my pocket and pull out my cell.
Me:Hey pretty girl.
I see her startle from her thoughts and reach down into her purse for her phone. I see her shake her head slightly when she sees my text and a small smile lifts her lips.
This girl has had my heart since I was seventeen years old. She’s the one who taught me how to love. What love even looks like. Never have I felt love when she wasn’t a part of it. If I could find an actual picture of love, her face would be the only one I’d recognize. I’ve never once let her go and don’t plan to. Time to break out my wooing abilities and show her back to us.
My girl:Yes? Did you get lost?
Smartass little brat.
Woo. I have to remember how to woo her. I take a deep breath because I feel like I’m a stumbling seventeen-year-old again. I feel nervous, and my palms are sweating. I pray what I’m about to type doesn’t come out cheesy.
Me:To you.
I see her stare at her phone for a few seconds, which, to be honest, feels more like minutes. It’s not lost on me that I’m standing in the middle of a gas station, two cups of coffee stacked on top of each other in one hand, my phone and her candy bar in the other. I’m staring at my phone, praying that she doesn’t think my super corny line is as cheesy as I think it might be. But I feel like we need corny right now. Sometimes a little corny goes a long way.
My Girl:Barrett…
I take her non-answer as what I need. She doesn’t need any more than what I just gave her. That, combined with the fact that I see her head slowly lift as she looks toward the gas station, her face directed right at me, and I wish upon everything that I could see her eyes at this moment. I quickly move to the front counter, pay for our stuff, and walk with purpose out to the car. As I get closer, her window rolls down so I can hand the cups of coffee over to her to place in the cup holders, which I do. But before she can close the window again, I lean my large frame into the open window and take her face in mine.
“I love you, Tess. You need to understand that. You need to feel that. My soul is empty without yours attached to it. My heart, my love responds only to you. Even after I take my last breath on this earth, my love is yours.”
Before she can respond, I bring her lips to mine and possess her with all the fire and yearning that’s been building deep inside since we started our trip. Her breath hitches slightly and her mouth parts, allowing my tongue to invade and caress her own. I taste her salty tears, her raspberry lip gloss, and a hint of the peppermint taffy she’s been snacking on. I lean into the window farther. I pause ever so briefly, her tongue searching mine out in a passion that only she owns. I faintly hear the click of her seatbelt and soon she is on her knees, facing me and leaning out the window.
Chasing my kiss.
That’s right, sweet girl. Come to me.
I’ll chase you forever.
Chase me right on back.
I’ll let you catch me.
I let her catch me. Our mouths whisper our intense and never-ending love to each other, but no words are spoken.
We’re making out in the middle of the gas station parking lot, and I couldn’t care less. Making out like teenagers might just help us get back to ourselves. Find our roots once again.
Our kiss slows, allowing the ache in my chest to ease.