Page 44 of Reputation (Tempt)
“What?” I jerked my head back. “Why?”
“Because I look like Shrek’s bride, and you’re you, and please just…” She groaned from behind her hands. “Haven’t I endured enough embarrassment for one lifetime?”
“Emerson.” I stepped closer, my tone gentle. She kept her face covered, and I hated that she was embarrassed. “Emerson,” I said in a more commanding tone.
“It’s notthatbad.”
“Not that bad?” she scoffed, finally removing her hands. “Notthatbad? I look like a freaking puffer fish.” She glanced at her reflection and cringed. “If puffers could sunburn.”
I wanted to tell her that she’d always be beautiful to me, but instead, I said, “What matters is that you’re okay. The swelling will go down.”
She nodded, but it was clear she remained unconvinced.
“Wash your hands,” I said. “So I can get you back to bed.”
“Get me back to…” Her eyes widened. “Bed?”
Now that she’d mentioned it, I couldn’t stop thinking about it. Her. Us.Ugh!
“Why do you always look so pissed off around me?” she asked.
I didn’t respond. What could I possibly say?Because I want you. And it’s distracting and infuriating and inappropriate. I can’t have you, and yet, I can’t stop thinking about you.So yeah…
She sighed. “Fine. Don’t answer. It’s not like I expected you to anyway.”
She leaned on me as we walked back to bed, and then I got her settled once more. “You good?”
“I’m great. You’re great. We’re all great.”Oh boy.She was all over the place, but at least physically, she seemed fine.
I excused myself to the bathroom and called Pierce. He didn’t even say hello. Merely launched into a tirade of, “What the fuck were you thinking? Engaged? You can’t drop a bomb like that without running it by me.”
“I know.” I dragged a hand down my face, the fluorescent light and the square beige tiles setting me on edge. “I know. It was sort of spur of the moment.”
And it was probably only going to make matters worse regarding the situation with Trinity. God, what ifthisgave Trinity even more ammunition against me? What if…
“I wish you would’ve at least given me a heads-up. Something. But fuck, I can’t say I blame you. She’s gorgeous, and the media is lapping this shit up. Calling it a modern-day fairy tale.”
“Seriously?” I jerked my head back. I hadn’t expected that.
“Yeah, seriously. A billionaire playboy falling for the all-American girl. An Olympic athlete, no less. ‘Nemmy’ is trending big-time, my friend.”
“Nemmy?” I frowned at my reflection.
“You know—” I heard shuffling in the background. “Nate and Emmy. Only the hottest celebrity couples get a moniker. Damn. I wish I’d thought of it myself.”
“I—” I cleared my throat, hesitating. “That would be great, but we’re not engaged.”
He was quiet a moment, but when he spoke again, his tone was lethal. “Explain.”
I explained what had happened. Pierce listened quietly on the other end then finally said, “What’s the big deal? We can work with this. Fake engagement. Publicity stunt. It’s brilliant, and people do it all the time.”
He was right, but I’d never dated someone for a publicity stunt. It had always seemed distasteful, plus I hadn’t cared that much about my reputation. My films spoke for themselves. My stature was solid as a billionaire Hollywood star. Or at least it had been until fucking Annalise Windsor.
Besides, I wasn’t sure if Emerson would go along with this. Even if Pierce was all for it.
“I never thought I’d say this,” Pierce continued, “but your nanny could be just what you needed to finally quiet the rumors surrounding Annalise’s tell-all and show the public and any judge that you really are a family man. Plus, it’s going to be great publicity going into awards season.”