Page 54 of Reputation (Tempt)
“You’re a notorious playboy. You don’t do relationships.”
“Am I?”
“That’s what…” I trailed off. I didn’t want to make him uncomfortable by mentioning the tabloids and celebrity blogs. I didn’t read them—I hadn’t in nearly a decade—but you’d have to live under a rock not to know of Nate’s reputation.
Yet his expression was so open. So…earnest. I realized maybe I’d put too much stock in what other people had said about him. It wasn’t fair of me, but still…the man oozed sex appeal.
Even so, now that I’d been living with him, now that I’d seen the behind-the-scenes, day-to-day of his life, I had no idea when he’d have time for sex. Between solo parenting, running a successful Hollywood studio, acting, his family, he was busy. Not that there weren’t opportunities. It just… I was beginning to realize that maybe everyone had gotten it wrong about Nate. Maybe I had too.
“Still…” I hedged, not wanting to delve deeper into that topic. “A vow of celibacy for a year?”
I liked sex. A lot. Sure, I’d been in a bit of a dry spell, but I wasn’t keen for it to continue. Definitely not foranotheryear.
He chuckled, shoving his hands into his pockets. “Who said anything about a vow of celibacy?”
My eyes went wide. Surely he wasn’t saying… He wasn’t thinkingwe’d…
“Would you like to make that part of our deal?” he teased. At least, I thought he was teasing. The fact that I didn’t know was infuriating.
I rolled my eyes, unwilling to show my body’s traitorous reaction to his suggestion—real or otherwise. “Dream on, Crawford.”
Our situation was already complicated enough as it was. I wasnotadding sex to the mix.
That was the way it had to be. That was the only way I’d survive this. I couldn’t get my feelings mixed up in a fake relationship with my celebrity crush.
He smirked, and it was both sexy and exasperating. The man was going to drive me nuts. Was I crazy to consider pretending I was in love with him? Could I even pull it off?
“So, do we have a deal?” he finally asked.
I knew Nate would do anything for his daughter. Apparently, that now included pretending to be in love with me.
“I-I need to think about it.”
He seemed surprised. Though, I supposed a man like Nate was used to getting what he wanted, when he wanted it.
“Is there anything else I can do or say to convince you?” he asked, and I imagined him in a boardroom, closing a deal on one of his films. It was the type of soft-sell tactic someone made when they were confident they were going to get their way. Or when they were scared they were going to lose everything and knew better than to push.
“You can give back my phone,” I said.
“Trust me. It’s better this way.”
I scowled at him. “I need to update my family.”
He shook his head. “I already took care of it. Besides, you heard the doctor. We need to limit your stress.”
I crossed my arms over my chest. “Too bad you’re the cause of all my stress.”
“Now, sweetheart,” he chided. “I could also be the answer to all your prayers.”
“If you’re trying to convince me to agree to your plan, you’re going about it all wrong.”
“Okay.” The corner of his mouth twitched as if he was holding back a smile. “Then tell me what you want.”
Something you can’t give me.
I thought of my desire to get married—for real. To have children. This would only set me back even further. And yet, I knew I couldn’t say no, not if it would help Brooklyn. Help Nate.
So instead, I said, “I told you,” in an exasperated tone. “My phone.”