Page 1 of A Christmas Song
Where the fuck was I?
I pushed up, sitting up, and everything was aching in me. It’s the hangover of all hangovers, and. . . I looked around. Jesus. Seriously. Where was I?
This wasn’t Jude’s room—I saw Cris’ basketball jersey.
I was in my ex’s room. Although, Cris Chavez and I had never really been in a relationship. We would hook up. Then he would ignore me…until we would hook up again.
The door opened and the smell of coffee hit me right before my stomach pushed up something else to my throat. “Mornin—”
I flung back the blanket and ran for the bathroom. Apparently, he had his own. I fell to my knees, and seeing Cris coming in behind me, I kicked his door shut right as I let loose with the first upheaval in my stomach.
“Hey!” He pounded on the door. “Come on, Maren. Let me in.”
What had I done? Honest to God asking here. I looked down at myself, seeing I wasn’t in the clothes I—what had I done last night?
“Maren!” He pounded on the door again.
I ignored him.
It’d been my go-to for handling so much other stuff in my life. Just shut up. Keep it moving. Head down. Survive.
So far it’d been working, but this? Cris? Did we fuck last night?
Jesus. Jude.
Jude! He had a gig last night. I went to the bar with Amber and Toya. We partied beforehand, but that’d been the usual. Nothing new there. I couldn’t remember past pre-partying at Toya’s. We were drinking. She pulled out some other things, but they partook. I didn’t. I stayed away from drugs. I had enough issues to handle. I didn’t need to add another one, but I was trying to remember. . . I’d been in a car. We were going to the bar. I was in the back and that was it.
I didn’t remember anything past that.
What the hell?
My body chilled at the same time panic seared me.
“Come on, Maren. Come out. I want to talk to you.”
I shut it all down, I had to. It’d been my go-to for just getting through life lately, but once I was done throwing up, I looked under Cris’ cabinet. He usually kept an extra toothbrush somewhere.
Found it.
He and I hadn’t been exclusive, but I got to know him from whatever we had been. I mean, the first time I saw him making out with a girl at a party, I’d felt kicked in the stomach, but I got my act together after that. We were in the NCAA division for basketball and Cris was on the team, a starting player. He wasn’t one of their best two players, but he was in the solid top five. He was their best power forward. I’d been ecstatic when we first started hooking up. His roommate and my roommate were already dating. Cris was hot. He seemed to like me. It made sense, but stupid me, I thought we’d been exclusive until. . . Yeah. Until I learned differently.
Ugh. Here I was, thinking about the past when I had real shit to handle.
After quickly brushing my teeth, I grimaced when I looked at myself. Pale. God. I changed my hair color to black with blue highlights. I was always a strawberry blonde type and I liked wearing make-up, but I blended last year. There was nothing that stood out about me. Typical party girl and when I changed my hair, I wanted to change everything. I started going darker with my make-up and though I usually enjoyed the smokey eye look, it was not looking so good this morning. I might need to rethink my make-up choices.
I tried to do what I could with my hair, and washed my face clean.