Page 3 of A Christmas Song
It didn't look good, but I shrugged. “He probably thought you were security—”
I jerked, backing away.
Cris cursed, raking a hand through his hair. “Sorry. I—just—I could've been anyone. Any guy could've taken you out of there. Does he know we used to hook up?”
Another flinch from me because the truth was that Jude and I spoke very little. That was part of the attraction. It was why Amber, Toya, and I hung out too. They didn’t care.
They didn’t ask questions.
I could get through the day then.
But here Chavez was, getting in my face, not knowing the score. I shook my head, looking away. “I didn't have anything with me?”
He was still glaring, and that was not what he wanted me to say. He bit back another growl before he exploded again. “Are you fucking with me? Actually fucking with me—”
I snapped, “Shut up! SHUT UP! You know nothing. You don't ask anything. You're just judging and—” I paled, realizing what I just did. Cris would ask questions now. I couldn’t have that. I'd break if anyone started caring.
“Can I use your phone?”
His eyes narrowed. “What for?”
“Because if I didn't have anything with me, then either Jude has them or I left them in Amber's car. Also, I need a ride.”
“I'll give you a ride.”
“What? No—”
“Only goddamn way you're getting my phone to call around looking for your shit.”
I glared. “Cris.”
His eyes turned a whole new level of loathing. He wouldn’t budge. I recognized that look on his face.
I bit out, “Fine.”
“Fine.” He slapped his phone into my hand and I paused, my face lighting up because I only had three numbers memorized. Cris', my roommate’s, and my old childhood landline. All that I couldn’t use.
“Shit,” slipped out.
Cris rolled his eyes, picking up his keys. “Yeah. That's what I thought.” He went over and opened the door. “After you.”
I wore his sweatshirt, his shorts, and I had nothing on my feet. Well, okay then.
I sailed right past him.
There was a brief knock at Ryan’s door. He padded barefoot from his bathroom and opened it, then stepped back, opening it wider. Chavez stuck his head inside, scanning over both of us with a slight grimace. “You guys heard?”
Ryan snorted, going to pull on one of his Macquire basketball sweatshirts and sticking his hands in the front pocket. “I think everyone heard. Take it the talk didn’t go so well?”
I was still in bed, but was sitting up with my knees pulled to my chest. When we heard the yelling from beneath us, there’d been no way I could’ve gone back to bed. Ryan got up for the bathroom, and I slipped out to grab one of his shirts before crawling back in bed. I’d been rooted in place, trying to make out the rest of what was being said from his room. Not all of the words were audible.
“What’d you guys hear?”