Page 103 of Ruthless Villain
“I can’t imagine you with anyone like that.”
“And since those are just the sort of women my father knows, I’ll have to take matters into my own hands.”
“Sounds like you have an idea.”
“Nothing set in stone yet, but I’m thinking. Until then I have to follow protocol.”
“I wish you luck.”
“And you, cousin.” He raises his brows and smirks. “I’ve noticed how different you are since you took my advice and claimed the girl for yourself.”
I relax my shoulders. He’s right. “I guess I do need luck on my side.”
“What’s going on with you and her?”
“We’re just seeing each other as much as we can before she heads back to L.A.”
“Then what?” He looks at me as if he’s already probed into my mind and knows I’ve been thinking about that.
“At the moment, nothing.”
“But you want more?” He fills in, giving me a knowing look.
I rest my hand on the table. “Yes.”
“Tell her and screw her old man.”
“You know it’s not as simple as that. I don’t want him screwing with her. When you start talking about power of attorney and all this legal stuff, you’re swimming in dangerous waters.”
“Does she seem as if she needs all that?”
“No, but he’s controlling. He’s the kind of person who will create a problem that doesn’t exist to keep that control.”
“He can’t keep that control forever, and that’s outside you and Autumn.”
“You sure sound like the relationship expert for a guy who doesn’t want to get married.” I’m half changing the subject because it’s a messy situation I’m not sure I can figure my way out of yet.
“I just don’t like anyone having control over me. I know you’re the same. If you want her then there’s no reason you shouldn’t find a way to keep her, regardless of her father.”
I nod in agreement, my mind opening to this possibility.
Baby steps, though. I need to take things slowly. It’s still early days yet, and Shawn Jakobe still loathes me.
Autumn loves her father and as much as I can’t stand the man, I don’t want to come between them.
Hunter finishes his beer and straightens.
“Ready to head home?” I ask.
“Yeah, I think I’m done for the night.”
We grab our jackets and head out.
Hunter starts talking about his sailing plans for the summer and a trip he wants Asher and me to accompany him on, but I zone out and think of Autumn.
It’s not until we reach my car in the parking lot that I’m pulled from my thoughts when I hear an argument.
It’s a group of men in the distance by a trailer truck. When I look at them I realize why they got my attention. It’s because one of them is Evan.