Page 107 of Ruthless Villain
"That's fine," Evan answers quickly. “There’s no interruption at all.”
“Sorry, my love." The man looks at me again. "I hope you don't mind if I steal your date for a few minutes. We have a matter of business to discuss."
“Sure. I'm fine to wait.” There's a tremor in my voice I can't hide. The man notices and gives me a toothy smile that reminds me of something you'd see in a horror movie.
Evan gets up and the two head outside. They move away from the crowd to stand by the water fountain. The man towersover Evan by at least five inches and is built with serious muscle. Evan is a big guy but he has nothing on the Russian.
The man stabs a finger in Evan's chest and gets up in his face with rage.
Evan stands there taking it. I've never seen him look like that before. It's strange. And as suspicious as Luc said.
Could this be part of the same thing?
I know I don't have enough information to make that assumption, but it doesn't feel right. The man grips Evan's shoulder and gives it a good squeeze. I can tell he’s in pain, but he's trying not to show it. Then the man walks away, leaving Evan, who stands there for a few minutes.
When he returns to sit next to me, if I'm not mistaken, he looks shaken.
"Everything okay?" I ask.
"Yeah, fine." He tries to smile, but it doesn't quite reach his eyes. "Let's just order and enjoy our meal."
He grabs the menu. The look on his face is ashen. I glance back out the window, only catching a faint image of the man walking away from the complex before he turns the corner and disappears.
Who was he?
Something tells me he’s part of whatever Luc suspects, but whatever is going on is definitely not good.
Luc is right. We need to find another way.
I don’t think I’m safe around Evan anymore.
Chapter 28
"Those men are what you call high-end bookies." Jericho clasps his hands and rests them on the table before him.
I raise my brows. "Seriously?"
Jericho nods and casts a glance at Knight, who wears the same serious expression that makes them look more like twins than brothers who are a year apart.
We're sitting in Jericho's office, at his home. He called me an hour ago asking to meet here. The moment I heard the request I realized whatever he’d found was more serious than I thought. So serious he didn't want to talk about it on the phone.
When I got here he presented me with mugshots of the men.
I was already on edge from watching Autumn go off to lunch with Evan earlier.
Now this.
"I recognized the big guy from a poker game in Monte Carlo," Knight says. "That was a few months back.”
“Knight provided the lead I needed," Jericho fills in. "I ran the images from your pictures and a few things popped up butI couldn’t find a connection until Knight said he recognized the guy. I was able to conduct a deeper search because of the man the big guy is linked to."
"Who is it?"
Jericho turns his laptop screen toward me and I see the picture of a man called Landon Clark.
"This guy here makes his billions off match fixing."