Page 112 of Ruthless Villain
"Thank you." My voice sounds hoarse but it’s soft with reflection.
She gives me a curt nod and a little smile. "Please tell Dad about Evan. You aren't to see him again. I understand you may need some time to think about it because of Luc, but please do something before I do. God knows what Evan could have done to you in here tonight if I hadn't come back. I don't know Luc very well but I know he'd hate it if something happened to you."
"He would.”
She gives me a kinder, insightful smile. "You need to tell Dad about Luc, too. Clearly he must mean a lot to you for you to defy Dad."
"Yes, he does."
"Then Dad will just have to understand."
It sounds so simple. I wish it were, but I know it won't be. However, right now, Dad is the least of my problems. I don't know how Luc will react if he finds out what Evan did to me.
Charlotte took care of me until I fell asleep.
When I wake the next day, the bruising on my neck is so bad I know there’s no way I can see Luc tonight.
Ifanyonesees it they’ll know someone had their hands on me. Evan left bruises in the shape of his fingers.
I’ve decided that I will tell Dad what happened, but I want to wait for the right time. I also decide that I should tell Dad before telling Luc.
I don’t want him to get in any trouble over me and that’s exactly what will happen if he sees my bruises and figures out who gave them to me.
The team has a match every other day for the next few days. That should keep Luc occupied and give me some breathing space to think of how I’ll approach my father.
I decide to cancel seeing Luc tonight and let him know I’m still sick. I’m so pale that there’s no hope that the bruising will disappear by the end of the day. In fact, I expect it to get worse.
Since I have some work to do that I can’t allow to slide, I go into the office wearing a turtleneck and a scarf around my neck to hide the bruises.
Everyone has already left for the day by the time I’m finishing up. It's actually later than I’d normally leave but perfect timing for Luc to come by and see me.
When I see him standing at my door I feel like I should have known he would find me at some point today.
"Hey there," he says. “You really are here.”
"Hi." My heart is beating so fast I worry it might burst out of my chest.
"Heath said he saw you here, so I came to check on you.”
"I just needed to finish up some stuff." I've never lied to him before so it's the most difficult thing in the world, especially knowing that I was supposed to see him tonight.
Luc walks up to me and looks me over, his gaze flicking to the scarf around my neck. It's out of place because I don’t normally wear scarves, even when it’s cold. We’re also in the middle ofspring now, so the scarf along with the jumper looks like overkill even for someone with a cold.
"How are you feeling?" He searches my eyes.
"Still sick."
"Then you should be at home resting.”
“I’m leaving in five minutes.”
He cups my face. “You promise?”
“I…” His voice trails off when his fingers brush against the scarf and he looks down at my neck.
I watch his expression morph into shock as he sees the black-and-blue marks. My body freezes because I know the bruises look bad and I know I won’t be able to lie to him.