Page 114 of Ruthless Villain
I made a few calls that allowed me to track him here. It was Heath who told me this was where I might find him because he had a date.
While I waited, I've been thinking mostly about trying not to kill Evan when I find him.
It's going to be hard.
I keep seeing those bruises on Autumn's neck. Those angry bruises that told me so much about the terror she must have gone through.
He tried to rape her and I didn't need to go into any detail with her to know that what happened must have been godawful.
I feel like I failed her. It shouldn't have come to this stage. I've been like a coward hiding my relationship with her instead of fighting for it, but there were parts that felt like the same thing. Like Iwasfighting, or rather protecting what we both wanted so we could still be with each other while she was on her sabbatical.
Deep down, though, I knew this no-strings-attached relationship had lost its label weeks ago. It was at that same time I also sensed something like this would happen with Evan. I just didn't know it would be this bad or, sadly, that Autumn would try to hide it from me. That part isn't surprising because she knew I would do exactly what I'm doing now.
And damn it, I was truly hoping that something would turn up on Jericho's end to incriminate Evan, but nothing has.
I wanted to use whatever evidence Jericho could find as a foot in the door to fix everything. My hope was that if I exposed Evan, Jakobe would see me as the kind of guy he'd want to be the captain of the team.
More importantly, I hoped it would put me in a better light when it came to Autumn. When I realized I was in love with her, I knew that if I got the chance I would confront her father and tell him how I felt about her. I wanted that evidence to back me up.
Right now I have nothing but my fists and my strength.
Knowing what Evan did, it’s not enough to simply expose him. He needs to be hurt, and I need to be the one to do it.
The door to the bar opens and Evan walks out with a woman on his arm. They move around to the alleyway, and it turns my stomach when I think of what they must be doing back there.
Fifteen minutes later the woman stumbles out, leaving Evan. I wait until she gets into her car and drives off before I get out of my truck and pull down my balaclava.
I hide in the shadows as I make my way to the alleyway. There I see Evan taking a leak then fixing his pants.
He's in the perfect spot for my little plan to kick his ass, so I strike. I walk up to him and tap his shoulder. When he turns to look at me I slam my fist straight into his face.
By the time he knows what hit him he's too stunned to move, but he moves all the same. He tries to fight back but I Hulk-out and kick the shit out of him. I take him down to the ground and land several punches to his face.
The feeling is victorious and reminds me of the fight we had months ago that put us in this position in the first place.
I wish I could chop off his hands or, at the very least, break off every single finger for what he did to Autumn. But I decide not to cause damage like that which would stop him playing hockey.
I batter him enough, though, knowing he won't be able to play for at least a game or two.
When he's unconscious with blood dripping from his mouth and looking like a pitiful mess, I pull out my phone and dial 911 to call an ambulance to come scrape him up.
That was for Autumn.
If he ever thinks of touching her again, Iwillkill him.
Tonight is just a taste of what I can do and I barely left him alive.
"You’re getting close to the finals," Preston says as we walk up to the arena.
I traveled with him, Hunter, and Asher for today’s game after we met earlier for lunch.
"Yeah, we've got one month. It will go fast," I reply.
"Please say you'll be coming to Ibiza with us after,” Asher jumps in. I nod, and he and Hunter exchange smiles.
They have some wild vacations in Ibiza. We go every year. I'll go this year but it will be the first where I won't be going for the women and the wild fun we always have.
"You guys and Ibiza." Preston chuckles.