Page 124 of Ruthless Villain
I was upstairs when I saw his car coming down the driveway. Then minutes later I heard his voice. I thought I was dreaming, so I came downstairs to check it out for myself. That’s when I heard the powerful words he spoke to Dad.
Last night was simply awful. Dad hasn't spoken to any of us since we returned from the manor, and I didn’t know what to do. I contemplated leaving but I didn’t want to make things worse, but now the decision has been made for me.
My parents fade out of my sphere and all that I see before me is the look of love in Luc’s eyes. It’s so strong it reaches out to me and I can almost touch it. I want to commit this moment to memory and cherish it forever.
Luc gives my hand a gentle squeeze and I smile back at him, loving him even more than I did only moments ago when he asked me to go with him.
It's time to go now and I don't care what sort of world war leaving creates in this house.
I'm going with him and it feels like the first right thing I’ve done in forever.
I glance back at my mother who is smiling at us. She nods and mouths the word "go."
When I look at Dad I can see he doesn't want me to leave, but I'm not playing by his rules anymore.
Luc tugs my hand and we leave the room. Our steps quicken when we reach outside.
We get in the car and he leans across and kisses me, giving me the sort of kiss that whispers sweet promises and dreams that keep your heart beating forever.
Pulling back, he looks at me, smiling brighter. "I love you," he says with warmth lacing through every word.
Hearing him say those words makes my soul soar into the heavens. "I love you too, Luc.”
He cradles my face. "I should have told you before. I knew from Vegas."
I laugh. "You loved me from then?"
"I did."
I think back to how I was feeling that night we met and what sent me to Vegas. Back then I was so lost and full of grief. Meeting him made me smile again and healed my wounds.
I found Luc then I found myself. He's helped me in so many ways, even with my writing.
He gave me my creative spark back and I was able to get over my loss of Jennifer because of him. I loved him from Vegas too.
"It was the same for me," I tell him.
He gives me another quick kiss. "Let's go home."
"Home." That word sounds the way it should when you think of home as a place of solace.
He starts up the car and we leave. I expect him to take me back to his apartment but we go to the manor instead and I realize what he meant by home.
This place has always had that homey feeling and been our little escape from the world.
The instant we walk through the door he carries me upstairs, back to our bed to make love to me. It’s the first time that we’ve done so where we’re not a secret.
We don’t have to hide anymore. The world can know I’m with Luc Le Blanche and Luc Le Blanche is with me.
In the early hours of the morning, we lie in bed, my head resting against his chest. I'm wearing his hockey jersey as it's a little cold. I relish the scent of him clinging to my skin and his heartbeat in my ear.
"I have another offer for you." His voice breaks the silence settling over us.
I look up at him and gaze into his eyes. "What kind of offer?"
He sits up and I do too.