Page 130 of Ruthless Villain
This seems to be off to a good start. “Then I’ll be there.”
Dad smiles back at me. “I assume Luc must have filled you in on what we spoke about the other day.”
“He did. Thank you for giving him the chance he deserves to be captain.”
“That’s okay. He definitely deserved it. I suppose Luc Le Blanche has also opened my eyes to many other things I’m grateful for.”
“Has he?”
“Yes. I’ve had time to think and I realized that you and I have a lot of issues to work through. I want to fix every single one of them. It’s starts with my apology. I’m sorry, Autumn. I’m sorry for everything. That includes me interfering with your decision to become a journalist.”
The worry that has clouded my mind all morning fades, and I’m happy we’re having the conversation I’ve longed for all this time.For years.
“It’s okay, Dad.”
“It’s not okay, but thank you for saying that. Being wrong is hard for me to accept, but I’m doing it. The truth is, I freaked out with everything, not just with your accident. I did it well before then.”
“Because you wanted to go down a path I didn’t understand. I don’t know anything about journalism or what that world is like, so I didn’t know how to make sure you succeeded. But you did that on your own, and I couldn’t be prouder of you.”
His words warm my heart. “Thank you. I’ve always wanted you to be proud of me.”
“I’vealwaysbeen proud of you. I’m sorry I didn’t show it enough, and I’m sorry for how things have been the last year. When the accident occurred, part of me died. I promised myself I would never allow anything to happen to you ever again, but I took things too far.” He blows out a ragged breath. “I tried to control your life, but I fear I might have just ended up making you hate me.”
“I could never hate you, Dad.”
“Thank you, my sweet girl. That means the world to me. With that said, I have something for you.” He reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out an envelope. He hands it to me and I take it.
“What is this?”
“Details about your inheritance. You should have all the money and assets transferred to you in a few days.”
My mouth falls open. “What?”
“It seemed appropriate as your birthday is in a few weeks. I filled out the necessary paperwork the other day, so I’m no longer your executor. I also no longer have power of attorney over you. You’re free.”
“Oh Dad.” I get up and throw my arms around him. “Thank you so much.”
“No need to thank me. I think I can trust that you can take care of yourself now. Luc is an added bonus.”
“That means everything to me.”
“I thought so. I just want you to be happy.”
“I am. I really, really am.”
“Then I’m happy too.” That’s what he used to say when I was little. He holds me closer, making me remember those happier times when he’d take Charlotte and I on our adventures. “Can I at least take my little girl out for a cup of coffee?”
“I’d love that.”
Finally, I feel free. Free to live, free to love, free to be me.
That path started with one crazy trip to Vegas where I met Luc Le Blanche.
The love of my life.