Page 43 of Ruthless Villain
“It’s bad, Jericho. The girl…”
“What about her?”
I clench my jaw. “She’s Shawn Jakobe’s daughter.”
His mouth drops. “I see. What are you going to do?”
“That’s a very good question. Her father hates me.”
He leans back and gazes at his wife. “That never stoppedme. Maybe it shouldn’t stop you either.”
Jericho looks back at me and I raise a mischievous brow. “Maybe…”
The wild side of me is already conjuring how I’ll get my chance to see this girl again now that I know how to find her.
“Think about it.” Jericho smiles. “As you reminded me once, we’re not the kind of guys who’d let something like that stand in our way.”
“I did say that, and you took my advice, but I think your situation is different from mine.”
“It’s not that much different.”
It is.
Jericho and River met back in high school. I was the only one from our group of friends who knew about their relationship. They kept it hidden because their fathers were enemies with a long-standing rivalry.
Those parts are similar to my situation. The main differences are that Jericho and River had something that was worth fighting for because their relationship spanned well over a decade. I, on the other hand, only just met Autumn. And the biggest difference of all is that Jakobe is literally holding me by the balls. One wrong move and I add another nail to my coffin.
That didn’t happen to Jericho. Not like this. If River’s father had messed with Jericho he would have still had a career, still held his spot on the Forbes Billionaire list, still had a name for himself.
“Things are a little more complicated for me, Jericho.” I place a heavy hand on my head and sigh as if I’ve just been told my world was ending.
Jericho rubs Lorenzo’s back when he stirs then gives me a curious stare. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard you sound so worried.”
“This is the first time in my life when I have no control over what happens to me in my career. I’ve always been so good that I didn’t need to worry about anything. Now being good isn’t enough.”
“Then either you play it safe and get what you want, or you forget the girl.” He’s giving me the same advice I’d hand to him if our roles were reversed. And he’s right. “At least you found her.”
I give him a hopeful look, but the sad truth is that maybe I was better off when I couldn’t find her.
Autumn Jakobe might be my worst enemy’s daughter, but to me she’s still Venus, my goddess.
Chapter 11
The moment I tell Zoe about Luc, her face turns scarlet and shock snaps her eyes wide.
We’re back at my parents’ home. We’ve assumed our posts opposite each other on my bed for the latest news in my wild saga that I’m still in shock about.
“Luc Le Blanche, as inLuc Le Blanchethe hockey player?” Zoe gasps. “Hewas your one-night stand?Your Aries?”
“Shhh.” I wave my hands around frantically to silence her and glance at my bedroom door hoping like hell no one heard her.
“Sorry.” She winces.
“Just keep your voice down.”
“Okay,” she whispers.