Page 76 of Ruthless Villain
I give him a coy smile. “It doesn’t hurt that I’d be the one writing the article.”
“You seem to have a lot of experience and backing for someone your age.”
“I owe that to a very dear friend of mine. My mentor. Her name was Jennifer.”
Sympathy flashes through Luc’s eyes. “I read about your accident. Was that her?”
I nod slowly. “Yes. She was like a second mother to me and I owe her my career. I’m years ahead of most people because of the intense training she gave me and the doors she opened.”
“Then it’s wonderful you met her.”
“I’ve always felt that. My grandmother on my mother’s side was her mentor, so she gave me the same opportunities. I felt that doing a piece like this would honor her.”
He nods, and I love the fascination in his eyes. “Then I give you access to the house and anything you need for your article. All that I ask is that if you come across sensitive information you don’t print it. I’d also like to read the article and approve it before it goes out.”
“Of course.” Wow, his ability to effortlessly switch from the jovial playboy to the serious businessman throws me a little, but I appreciate that he has to be cautious.
“Then it looks like we have an agreement. Pierre, the man who showed you in, will be your first port of call if you need anything. You can ask either of us details about the necklace.”
“Was Pierre the person who found it?”
“On record we’re saying he did, but he was only there when it was discovered.”
“On record?” I incline my head.
“Ifound it, but that stays here.”
I suck in a sharp breath and my head spins. “Oh my God. You?”
He smirks. “Me. I went swimming in the lake and found it buried in a box.”
“Holy crap.”
“As we know, I loathe doing interviews, so Pierre took on the task of being the discoverer, while I returned it to the rightful owners.”
“Do you know how it got here in the first place?”
“I do.”
“Please tell me.” I feel like a little child eager to hear a new story.
“When my grandmother was a girl, she fell in love with one of the servants here. She couldn’t be with him because her parents didn’t approve. The servant stole the necklace and gave it to her as a present, then they saw each other in secret. She’d wear it whenever they were together. But when she was promised to my grandfather they ended their affair. The servant hid the necklace. Shortly after, he went to the war where he was killed in battle.”
“My gosh, this is so intriguing.” I have goosebumps. I haven’t felt anything close to that in years. My interest rose the other week when I first heard about the servant’s connection to the necklace, but having the whole truth intensifies my thirst for knowledge. “How did you know the story?”
“My grandmother used to tell me about her first love—the servant. She’d never give his name though. He used to take her ice skating on the lake. She thought I’d appreciate the story because I’m a skater.” He smiles with pride. “Her journals are inside the box. I’m sure you’ll find more details in there.”
“Wow. Would it be okay if I included your grandmother’s story about the necklace in my article? I think it’s beautiful and I know people would love to read about it.”
Luc nods, fanning the flames of my excitement. “Yes. I don’t think my grandmother would mind. The truth doesn’t make her love for my grandfather any less than what it was. They were married for forty years and happily in love.”
A new sense of energy blooms in my soul and I feel even more grateful for this opportunity. “Thank you so much for giving me this chance. It means a lot.”
“Maybe I have an ulterior motive, and I want a repeat of last night.”
My cheeks warm with that declaration. “Is this the part where you tell me your idea?” I’m eager to hear it.
“Let’s talk about the obstacles first. The things your father is holding over us. For me, it’s my opportunities with the Hawks. Opportunities I worked hard for, for many years.”