Page 13 of Fooling the Forward
“Oh man, I can’t wait to see what you make for lunch and dinner.”
Shutting off the water, she peers over her shoulder and smirks. “I think I’ll surprise you.”
“I’m okay with that. It’ll feel like waiting for Christmas morning.”
She wipes her hands on a towel and turns around. “You flatter my cooking. That’s quite a comparison.”
“No, I’m complimenting you. Your cooking is the by-product, but you’re the one who makes magic happen.”
Her eyes widen. “Wow. Magic? I might need you to give me an editorial quote to post on my website.”
I swallow the final bite and groan. “You can have whatever you want. Hell, I’ll give you my first-born child.” An unbidden image of her with a rounded stomach and abundant curves comes to mind. It should be a massive turn-off for me. Especially when I’ve always been extra vigilant to make sure that doesn’t happen. But for some reason it’s the opposite with her. It’s amazing what a delicious home-cooked meal can do.
At this rate, by the time the day ends, I might be proposing marriage.
He bringshis empty plate over to the sink where I’m washing the dishes.
“I’ll take that,” I say, plucking it from his hands.
“Thank you.” He turns around and leans back on the counter. “I’ve got to tell you, that was the best omelet I’ve ever had. I didn’t even miss the bacon.”
“Really?” I run the sponge all over the plate and fork before rinsing them.
“Well… I really love bacon, so that might be a stretch.” He smiles.
I shut off the water and dry both items before putting them away. “I’ll make it a point to add some to tomorrow’s breakfast.”
“Or tonight’s dinner,” he suggests, sounding hopeful.
My lips twitch before a quick laugh slips from them. “I hate to disappoint you, but I can’t put bacon in tonight’s dinner.”
“Is there some ‘no bacon at night’ rule I don’t know about?” he jokes, nudging my arm with his.
Turning my head, I look up at him. The kaleidoscope of brown tones swirling inside his dark orbs distract me for a moment. “Not that I’m aware of, but bacon doesn’t go with the meal I have planned.”
“I could argue that bacon makes everything better, but I won’t.”
“You sound like my brothers. My poor mom would stand at the stove every Saturday morning frying bacon for an hour straight.”
“Why didn’t she throw it in the oven? That’s what I do.”
“Because my brothers Christos and Orion were brats. Sadly, Orion still is.”
“My sister, Alice likes to get her way too.”
“Is she older or younger than you?”
“Older. She’s married and they have three kids between the ages of six months and five.”
“Is she your only sibling?”
“Yep, but she’s so headstrong, she’s the equivalent of four siblings,” he says, shaking his head.
I snicker. “Too bad she’s married. It sounds like she and Orion deserve each other.”