Page 17 of Fooling the Forward
“Hey, honey, I’m home,”I call out as I enter Murphy’s home gym above his garage.
“You’re early. Does this mean you miss me?” he asks, smiling.
“No, it means I needed to get out of my house ASAP.”
His eyebrows pinch together. “What’s going on?”
“Darius’s sister, Calista, is my personal chef for this weekend.”
“And she’s annoying?” he guesses.
“No, not at all. Just the opposite. Her cooking is unbelievable and she’s beautiful. She also happens to be nice and easy to talk to.”
“So, what’s the problem? You usually love being around attractive women.”
“I know. But she’s…” Struggling to find the right words, I thrust my fingers through my hair, tumbling the thick mass into more disarray. “She’s perfect. Literally fucking perfect. If I didn’t leave my house when I did, I was afraid I’d do something crazy like kiss her or propose marriage to her.”
Laughter roars from Murphy. “Dude, that’s hilarious.”
“No, it’s not. What am I going to do? I’ve still got dinner tonight and then three meals tomorrow to get through.”
“All you need to do is imagine how Darius will tear your limbs from your body if you step out of line.”
“Yeah, that’s not the deterrent you think it is. I wouldn’t just stand there and let him kick my ass. In a match up between us, I like my chances.”
“Then think about the team, man. We won the Cup and we could repeat next year. We don’t need any strife amongst the players,” he tells me.
“Yeah, you’re right. I knew you’d help me see clearly.”
He thumps my back with his palm as he walks past me. “Think with your big brain, Ryder.”
“That’s what got me into this mess,” I say, smirking.
Murphy opens the refrigerator. “Here, have some water. It’ll cool you off.” He tosses me a bottle before grabbing one for himself. We’re both drinking from them when Kaiden and Darius walk in.
I raise my hand. “Hey, guys.”
“Hi,” Darius says.
“What’s up?” Kaiden asks.
“Same old,” Murphy says. “But our boy here has news.” He tips his head my way.
This motherfucker.
I shrug. “It’s nothing big. I was telling Murphy how your sister is my chef this weekend and I’ve never eaten so well.”
Darius’s dark eyes intently peruse my face. It’s all I can do to remain still and not fidget under the heaviness of his stare. “Calista learned everything about cooking from our mom.”
“You’re a lucky bastard. You’ve been eating well your whole life.” My own mother was loving and kind, but a talented cook she wasn’t.
“Are you behaving around my sister?” Darius asks.
“Of course I am.”