Page 2 of Fooling the Forward
“Is this a celebration or what?” Wendy asks, looking around the table. “You guys are extremely reserved for a team that just won the Cup.”
“They’re on their best behavior because we’re here,” Evie offers in explanation.
“Yeah, normally Ryder would beriding hergoodby now,” Murphy says, pointing at Cate, a regular here, who I’ve messed around with in the past. Everyone at the table other than me laughs.
I don’t react beyond giving a careless shrug. Little do they know it’s been months since my dick’s been touched by anyone besides me, and I’m not exactly sure why. It’s not like I set some goal to not have sex for a certain amount of time, and I’ve certainly had opportunities.
“Don’t be mad, bro. You were destined to be a hockey legend with a name like Ryder Goode,” Murphy says, leaning his elbows on the table.
Nikki drops off our drinks and I eagerly reach for my beer. Raising the bottle to my lips, I swallow down a large gulp of the brew. “Damn, that’s good.”
“There’s nothing like an ice-cold beer when you’re thirsty,” Murphy says, tapping the neck of his bottle to mine.
“Yeah, or when you’re world champs,” Darius adds.
“Hell yeah,” Kaiden agrees.
“So, Evie, is your dad going to retire now that they won the Cup?” Wendy asks.
My ears perk up at the question. Coach Carling has been with the Coyotes organization for at least twenty-five years. Now that the team has won another championship, it’s possible he might want to go out on the highest note.
“What makes you think he’d tell me?” Evie asks. “He may be my dad, but we don’t discuss hockey—ever.”
“You guys play for him, what do you think?” Wendy asks.
Murphy scratches his chin. “I figure there’s a fifty-fifty chance he’ll retire.”
Darius crosses his arms. “I hope he doesn’t, but I think there’s a high probability he will.” He glances at Kaiden. “Do you have any insider information on this, Cap?”
Kaiden shakes his head. “I really don’t, but I agree it’s likely he will.”
“He’s going to do whatever he thinks is right for him, so maybe you guys should focus on your victory and savor the feeling,” Rori suggests.
Kaiden wraps his arm around her shoulders and presses a kiss to her temple. “My girl’s right. This is a time for celebrating.”
Nikki delivers our food, and all conversations cease as we make short work of devouring everything. I’m mid-chew when Cate shows up and tries to sit in my lap. I hold my hand up to block her and she gives me a questioning look.
“I’m celebrating with my friends,” I say.
She pouts her full lips and leans forward, placing her cleavage at my eye level. “We’re friends too.”
Her obvious flirtation annoys me, and I’m questioning why I ever hooked up with her before.
“I don’t mean to be rude, but this is a private party.”
Her flirtatious manner flips to one of anger as she straightens up to her full height. “Fuck off, Ryder,” she says before stomping away.
Murphy lets out a quick laugh. “Well, that went well.”
“You could’ve pulled up a chair for her,” Wendy says. “We wouldn’t mind.”
Murphy taps Wendy on the nose. “Sparky, if we added a chair for every one of hisGoode Girls, we’d need to add some more tables.”
“More like we’d need every seat in the bar,” Darius jumps in.
“Come on. I’m not that bad,” I defend myself. I know I’ve had my share of no-strings sex, but I’m not as horrible as they’re making it seem.
Darius clears his throat loudly and deliberately. “I hate to interrupt, especially when Ryder is in the hot seat, but I’d like to propose a toast.” He raises his beer, holding it toward the middle of the table. “Here’s to teamwork and being world champions.” There’s a clinking of glass as we all come together.