Page 40 of Fooling the Forward
“Get it? Have. A. Blast,” he spells it out for us and waits for a reaction.
“Bless his little heart,” Wendy murmurs.
Calista fidgets from one foot to the other as if she’s uncomfortable. “Oh, I get it now. Good one, Ned,” she says, forcing out a laugh.
Ned smiles as if he won the lottery.
Pinching the bottom hem on the back of her vest between my fingers, I give a quick downward tug to get her attention. When she peers over her shoulder, I’m smiling. “You’re so damn cute.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she says, waving her hand, as if she can swat away my compliment.
“Your heart is like a big, gooey marshmallow,” I tell her.
She turns to me. “I felt bad none of us laughed at his joke. Even if it was horrible. He could be out raising hell with his friends, but instead, he’s working on a Saturday night. It’s nice to see some drive in someone so young.”
“Okay, grandma,” I tease.
“Is that an age reference because I’m older than you?” she asks, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Yeah, you’ve got a whole year on me. Did I ever tell you I have a thing for older women?”
“Ryder.” Murphy calls my name. “We’re about to start.” His eyes flicking to Calista and back to me, he shakes his head as if to warn me away from her. It’s going to take a lot more than a disapproving look to keep me from her. In fact, I’m not sure there’s a valid reason to stop what seems inevitable.
For now, I’ll focus on the game that’s about to begin, but by the end of the night, I’ll know what her lips feel like.
Ned brings us to the part of the building where our epic battle will take place. There are half walls and other geometric shaped objects for us to take cover behind that are brightly painted with graffiti. He picks up the whistle hanging from the cord around his neck. “Is everyone ready?” he shouts above the music playing.
“Yes,” we chorus.
“When I blow this whistle, the clock starts. The game is over when one of you makes it to the end of the course without being tagged. You can’t cheat at this game without us knowing.” He holds up a tablet. “Every shot will register here.”
“It’s like he knows you,” Christos says, tapping the back of his hand against Orion’s arm.
He shrugs. “Cheat, cheat, always beat.”
Calista shakes her head. “I swear they haven’t emotionally matured since they were eight.”
I hook my pinky finger around hers. “Good luck.”
“You too.”
“I’m going to count down from five,” Ned announces, forcing me to reluctantly lose contact with Calista.
Positioning my laser gun in both my hands, I prepare to start.
“Five. Four. Three. Two. One.” Ned blasts the shrill whistle, signaling the official start of the game, and the lights go off.
That was unexpected.I guess Ned forgot to mention the part about this being a black light course.
We disperse in different directions like a bunch of scared mice. I quickly lose sight of Calista.Dammit.I was hoping to stay close to her for as long as possible. Glow-in-the-dark painted arrows line the floor, pointing me in the right direction. Moving slowly, I crouch down, taking position behind one of the half walls. I catch a flash of white move past me on my right and realize it’s Orion’s white shirt glowing. If he wasn’t standing out enough, the small sensor vests we’re wearing have red lights on the chest and back. Between the two, he doesn’t stand a chance of making it through this course.
This is gonna be fun.
With him in front of me now, I see every move he makes. I take my time, making sure no one is sneaking up on me while I’m sneaking up on him. I’ve almost reached him when I see the lights on his vest go off, signaling he’s been tagged. Calista jumps in front of him like a graceful jungle cat wearing high heels. She throws her head back with a triumphant cackle, her long hair swaying wildly about her head. This silly, young-at-heart side of her is one I’ve never seen before.
I’m close enough to hear Orion say, “Calista, you’re supposed to be on my side.”
“Piss off, Orion. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a game to win.”