Page 51 of Fooling the Forward
My eyebrows raise in surprise. “There’s more?”
“Yep. Get at it.”
I reach way down to the bottom of the bag and pull out more material. This time, I’m able to immediately recognize what it is. “You bought me a bathing suit?” I hold the modest black one piece up in front of me.
“I thought it would be nice for you to have one here so you can use the pool anytime you’d like. The last time I mentioned taking a dip, you never got the chance.”
Stepping forward, I wrap my arms around his waist. “You’re so thoughtful. Thank you. I love it.” He pulls me tight to him and then loosens his hold, looking down at me. “I really wanted to buy you a bikini, but I resisted the urge.”
“Pfft. Skinny dipping is where it’s at, Goode,” I say, shaking my head.
“Now you’ve done it,” he says, rocking his erection into me.
“Would this be considered sexual harassment since I work for you?” I joke.
“I think any court would decide in my favor. How am I supposed to behave when you mentioned skinny dipping?”
I place my gifts back in the bag and shove the tissue paper down on top. “This is the point where I tell you to get out of my kitchen or at least go sit down and behave. I have breakfast to make. You’re going to mess up my schedule.”
“How much time do you need? I have some chores to do.”
“Give me a half hour and then follow the smell of bacon back here.” I smile.
“Bacon, huh? You must really like me.”
“Or I didn’t want to listen to you whine about how badly you want some.”
“Whine?” He moves closer. “I don’t whine.” He tugs me into his arms and swallows up any words I was about to say. The kiss is slow and sultry, like he’s making love to my mouth, and I’m no longer concerned with schedules… or cooking… or anything besides Ryder.
* * *
Today is day three at Ryder’s and not only am I enjoying my new job, but things are going well with the man himself. He’s been very flirtatious with me, finding reasons to touch and kiss me whenever he can, and I’m not upset about that at all.
I’m currently making dinner for Ryder’s family. He sprung the news on me at breakfast, so a quick trip to the grocery store was necessary. I got to swipe my new credit card for the purchase and it was oddly pleasing. I guess shopping with other people’s money is much more fun than with my own.
I’ve got everything ready to cook. The meat has been marinating for an hour in the souvlaki sauce. I’ve already prepared the salad and I left the feta cheese on the side because Ryder’s five-year-old niece and three-year-old nephew may not like the taste.
I hear the sound of the front door close as I pop the next sheet of cookies in the oven. I’m in the process of moving some from the cooling rack to a plate when an older gentleman appears.
“You must be Calista,” he says, offering a welcoming smile.
My lips curve in response. “I am. And I’m guessing you’re Ryder’s older brother,” I joke. It’s clear by the resemblance this is Ryder’s dad.
“Oh, I like you. Please call me Walter.”
“Okay, Walter it is. Would you like a cookie?” I nod toward the plate.
“Don’t mind if I do.” He grabs the one closest to the edge, devouring it in two bites. “May I please have another?”
“Sure, but don’t tell your son. I’m not going to let him have any until after dinner.”
He chuckles. “Not a chance. This will be our secret.”
Ryder walks in a few minutes later to find his dad sitting at the island drinking a cup of coffee and the two of us chatting like we’re best friends.
“I see you’ve met my dad.”
I nod. “I have.”