Page 61 of Fooling the Forward
The alarm on my phone goes off, sounding like a shrill bell being rung. I roll out of his arms and tap the screen.
“Jesus. That’s your alarm tone?”
I laugh. “Yep. It gets the job done.”
“And gives you permanent hearing loss at the same time.”
“You’ll get used to it.”
“I prefer to wake you up the right way.”
“What’s the right way entail?”
He whips the covers off, revealing his morning wood. Last night I didn’t get a good look at what he’s got but seeing it in daylight is impressive.
“You like what you see?” He grins.
“I do. I love what I see. But you’re not going to distract me from what I have to do. I need a shower and I don’t have anything to wear besides yesterday’s clothes.”
“You have a bathing suit and an apron,” he reminds me.
“True, but not what I had in mind.”
“I’ll tell you what. If I can find something for you to wear, will you come back to bed and help me with my mountainous problem?”
If he suggests one of his t-shirts and a pair of his shorts, it’s not happening.
He grins. “Look in the second drawer from the top of my dresser.”
I strut naked across the room. Fine. I’ll humor him. I grip the handle and pull. I’m so impressed with how smoothly the drawer slides out, I almost forget to look at the clothes inside, and when I do my mouth literally falls open.
I spin around to face Ryder. “You bought me clothes?”
His smile is proud. “I wanted you to have something to wear if you slept over.”
I pick up a chef shirt and pants, holding them up one at a time. “How did you know what size to get?”
“A lucky guess.”
“This is amazing, Ryder. I get to have clean clothes for today.” Being a chef, my uniform often has a mess of stains on it by the end of the day. As was the case yesterday.
“There’s underwear in there too,” he says.
I place the uniform back in the drawer, retracing my steps to the bed, and pounce on Ryder. I wrap myself around him, holding tightly. “Thank you. You’re the most thoughtful boyfriend in the world.”
“I’m glad you’re happy.” He shifts beneath me and I feel his pressing need against my stomach.
“I didn’t buy you any clothes, but I’m pretty sure I can think of something to give you.” I wiggle backward, settling on my knees between his legs. Ryder places an arm under his head, raising himself up to watch with his heated gaze locked on me. He holds his breath as I reach for him, letting out a long groan when I stroke him from base to tip and back down again. He’s hard and hot in my hand. His skin is smooth and soft over the underlying steel beneath. I like stroking him and I like knowing his eyes are on me. Leaning forward, I swipe my tongue over the drop of pre-cum beading on the tip.
“Yes,” he moans.
Wrapping my lips around him, I swirl my tongue around the head, then take him as far into my mouth as I can. My fingers wrap around the rest of him, moving up and down along with my mouth. I start slowly at first, teasing him until he begs for more. It’s only then that I pick up the pace.
His hands grip my head as he begins raising his hips. He’s reached his limit and I know his release is coming. My cheeks are pulled in tightly as I suck. The wet sound of his cock thrusting into my mouth is so fucking hot. I want to wring every bit of pleasure out of him I can.
“Lis.” He calls my name, gripping my hair as his orgasm hits. He jerks beneath me, his cum pulsing down my throat. Letting out a guttural groan, his arms fall to the bed over his head. He lies still as his chest rapidly rises and falls. He’s a stunning picture of male masculinity. And he’s all mine.