Page 7 of Evading the Enforcer
I squeeze her taller form tightly. “I’m so freaking happy to see you.”
“Me too.” She takes a step back and looks me over. “You look beautiful. Red is a great color on you.”
“Aww, thank you.” I gesture toward the black sweater dress that fits her lean frame perfectly. “You’re painfully gorgeous, as usual.”
“Oh, stop with the compliments. Are you trying to make me miss you even more?” she asks.
She laughs. “I figured as much.” Hooking her arm through mine, she leads me toward the kitchen. My eyes bounce around every inch of space we pass through. “Your home is more stunning than any I’ve seen.”
“Ryder deserves all the credit. I haven’t been here long enough to do much.”
I make a tutting sound. “I see your touch everywhere I look. I bet you chose the pillows on the couch.”
“How can you tell?” she asks.
“Come on, like I wouldn’t know my lover’s taste,” I tease.
“Lovers?” a deep voice chimes from behind us, and we spin around with our arms still hooked together.
“Murphy. I should’ve known you’d be the one eavesdropping.” She rolls her eyes at him before she introduces me. “This is my best friend, Lucy.”
His smile is boyish and charming. “I’m Murphy. It’s nice to meet you, Lucy.”
My lips curve. “Likewise.”
“Murphy plays for the Coyotes,” Calista explains.
I nod. “Nice.”
“Nice? That’s all you have to say?” he asks with wide, unblinking eyes.
I give an indifferent shrug. “Sorry, I’m not a hockey fan. What kind of reaction do you usually inspire?”
A cocky smirk twists his lips. “Sheer joy, love, and devotion, to name a few.”
“You forgot chaos,” Calista reminds him.
“That was back when Ryder and I were both single. We’re both pussy whipped now.”
“And you happily admit this?” I ask.
He bobs his head. “Hell yeah. It only took the right woman to tame me.” He leans forward. “And if I can brag some, when you meet my Wendy, you’ll see what I mean. She’s a literal goddess.”
“Well, good for you,” I say, for lack of a better reply.
“You’ll like Wendy. She’s the no-bullshit type,” Calista says.
“I can’t wait to meet her.”
We walk forward once more, with Murphy beside us. He raises his hand as we approach, gaining a curvy redhead’s attention.
“Sparky, this is Lucy, Calista’s friend.”
She shakes her head at Murphy, then beams a smile my way. “Please, call me Wendy. It’s nice to meet you.”
“It’s great to meet you. I’ve never met a goddess before.” I wink at Murphy.