Page 29 of The Irish Reaper
If it wasn’t for her, he’d be walking around and taking action on Cillian Kincaid.
Or Haven.
However, I don’t believe I would let that one fly. After what I saw yesterday and the feel of my knife sinking into her soft flesh, I can’t say I didn’t enjoy it.
Also, Ireactedto it.
My cock thickened at the sound of her cry, and I wanted nothing more than to see what other sounds I could make her create just by looming over her with the weapon in my hand.
My father said no blood and, normally, I have no reason to disobey an order. However, she pushed and ran her fucking mouth, so I acted instead of plotting.
It’s unusual for me.
I’m normally more calculated than that, but I wanted to show her that her idle threats of escaping me were futile. Plus, acting upon what would happen in those instances was only the added cherry on the cake for me.
“Did ye get anything on the lass?”
I glance over at my father. A look of irritation and anxiety courses through his features, and I rock my head back and forth.
I didn’t ask.
I was so caught up in listening to every stupid thing that she said that I lost track of why I went into that room in the first place.
Nonetheless, I highly doubt that Cillian told her anything, and even if he did, she wasn’t the mastermind behind it. Her brother is too much of a conceited asshole to permit her to take any action on something that he believes is his fight.
“I think you should call off the wedding now, brother,” Kohen suggests mildly, sitting in a chair alongside Arlo. “I don’t think you’re going to reap any benefits from it now.”
Rolling my eyes, the so-called benefits that he’s conjuring up in his silly little head are fucking her into submission.
Yet, I like my way better.
Red is my favorite color, and unfortunately, I didn’t get to see what shade hers was when it soaked through her dress.
I just knew that I’d spill more if I didn’t leave and get her bandaged up before she made a pool on Mama’s floor.
“She’s still a Kincaid,” Arlo retorts. “Finn isn’t looking to fall in love with her, moron.”
“I never said anything about love.”
“Would you marry someone thatshotme?”
Kohen kicks his dirty boots on the side of our brother’s bed, pushing his lips out as though pondering the idea. His pretty boy features are so beyond optimistic and wide that Arlo kicks at Kohen’s ankles and scowls.
“Your loyalties are fucked, brother,” he leers. “I had a perfect shot on Cillian, and she fucked it up. If it weren’t for her, we’d be done with this sick shit already.”
“She did subtly warn us about her hobby,” our youngest brother counters without any sympathy. “And, besides, we do need that fortune.” He flicks his blue eyes over to me. “Think you can keep her alive for that long?”
A thick silence falls over the room, and I feel all three pairs of eyes on me.
I can keep her breathing. I just don’t think I can keep her comfortable enough for her not to want to kill herself.
Glimpsing over at our father, he doesn’t say a word, and I find myself searching for his advice. I understood why I was marrying the chit. I just don’t know if it’ll cause more problems because if anyone is going to end her life, it’s going to be me.
Not Arlo.
Even though he has every right to vengeance, she was mine first.
“We’ll allow Finn to think about it.” I watch our father shove his hands into his black dress slacks from earlier. “There’s no need for him to give his name to a lass that shot his brother. Cillian doesn’t respond to hostages.”