Page 51 of The Irish Reaper
KOHEN: But, are you a virgin?
He either must be either drunk as fuck or that delusional to think that I wouldn’t march my ass to his room, break something, and have him come up with an excuse for what happened later.
FINN: I fucked your last girl, Kohen.
FINN: Isn’t that why you dumped her in Boston?
KOHEN: No, you didn’t, asshole.
KOHEN: Wait, did you?
KOHEN: No, you didn’t. Caitlin wasn’t your type.
FINN: Submissive and brunette isn’t my type?
I smirk at my comment because it’s literally a countdown at this point for my youngest brother to lose his absolute mind with his last message.
I bet he’s hitting the wrong keys and not spelling the words right.
KOHEN: You stupid son of a bitch…
KOHEN: Don’t make me call and confirm it with her.
FINN: You do what you need to do.
KOHEN: No, I want to hear it from you.
KOHEN: Did you fuck Caitlin?
KOHEN: Because, if you did, I’m going to rip your dick off, so I hope you enjoyed fucking your wife.
KOHEN: I will torture you until you’re an inch from your life.
FINN: Tickling isn’t considered torture, brother. I’ve been trying to tell you this for years.
KOHEN: If I find out that you laid a finger on Caitlin, you’re dead.
I lightly snort because even if I did—and she wanted to—Kohen would be the last person on this Earth that would frighten me. He’d get halfway through it and begin apologizing to me.
FINN: Good night, brother.
FINN: Sweet dreams.
KOHEN: Make sure they’re good ones.
KOHEN: Because now you’re pissing me off.
Like that means anything to me, and he brought this upon himself by goading me and getting Haven to stay in my bedroom to bother me all night.
Stealing another look at her, her head is slouched to the side, exposing her neck and giving me the idea of biting down on it.
Yet, I bet it’d make her scream.
And can I really keep her on the floor all night?