Page 57 of The Irish Reaper
However, maybe he’s not that smart.
“Does your brother stay at your home?” I solicit through the silence because if I have to be within hearing distance from her, I might as well see if I can gain some intel.
“Why would I tell you that?” she counters back, reminding me that she’s not as much of an idiot as she is desperate.
Though some might say her trying to suffocate me was amateur-level, I appreciate the effort.
“I’m only trying to plan out my strategy.”
Haven scoffs as she continues to look out the window. “You’re asking the wrong person.”
“I’d say I’m asking the right person, wife,” I reply. “There isn’t anyone else better that would know his schedule.”
“You act as though I had it written down.”
“You did live together, didn’t you?”
“If you want to call it that.”
Hint—we’re not entirely close.
I’m not surprised. Cillian and Haven seem to be on two different sides of the spectrum. However, it does me no good if she’s not going to give me anything.
“Cillian reminds me of the cheap version of your father,” I emit. “I don’t think he’ll last very long even if I wasn’t hunting him down.”
“Why do it at all?” Haven asks. “Let him carve out his own fate.”
I steal a glance over at her messing with her fingers in her lap as she takes in the green landscape of the country. “Because fate takes too long.”
Haven breaks her gaze and glances over at me. Those prominent green eyes glimmering against the bright sun. “You must be bored.”
“On the contrary.” I steer my attention back to the road. “You’ve given me a lot to do.”
“I didn’t tell you to murder Enzo Bianchi.”
“But aren’t you glad I did?”
“No.” I roll my eyes because I am. “You’re worse than he is.”
I’m not sure if that’s supposed to hurt my feelings or make me evaluate that comment a certain type of way, but I don’t.
“I’d say I’m better than he is,” I retort confidently. “The Italians are leeches, and they’ll fall with time.”
“Cillian is going to work with them.”I already knew that.“He’s going to get himself into more trouble with them over him minding his own business.”
“Your brother needs an ally, and he fucked up ours, so”—I shrug dismissively because that wasn’t surprising either—“he needs someone else.”
“Why do you menneedother people? Can’t you just do it yourselves?”
“Allies make you strong, wife.”
“Allies mean allowing people that don’t need to be there in so that they can learn your business and moves.”
I perk a brow and steal another glance at her. “Is that what you’re trying to do?”
Her nostrils flare as she glowers at me. “I don’twantto be here. And I definitely don’t want to be your wife.”
She can wish for whatever she wants. The outcome and reality are still going to be the same.