Page 61 of The Irish Reaper
Or what I did all of today.
When I bit him earlier, I expected him to lose his entire mind on me and possibly hit me.
He didn’t.
Instead, he sucked on his lips for a minute and smirked at me as if he enjoyed it. As if it didn’t matter if I made him bleed, he was still in it.
He was still my husband.
And no amount of little attacks was going to stop that from happening or being what is now my reality.
So, since he wouldn’t help me with Taylen, it’s obvious that I had to do it myself. And I had to do it as quietly as humanly possible with a miracle on my side.
And I received both—finally.
When we were at the convenience store earlier, and Finn ordered me to hurry up, I was able to grab a small bottle of sleeping pills. I was certain he was going to notice. But I was silently faking a headache the whole time we were out, so I was praying that he was going to think it was just aspirin.
And when we finally walked out, I still couldn’t believe that I had gotten away with it. I was on edge the whole time we were in his car. Even more so when he kissed me, and I found myself getting lost in it for approximately ten seconds before remembering that Finn was a killer and a waste of a human being, so I bit him.
He’s a psycho.
When we got home, he guided me back to his bedroom, to my utter dismay, and told me to stay in there.
I did.
It wasn’t until I was able to hide the sleeping pills that I found that I could relax for a little bit. The question was how was I going to get them to eat it.
Carrying two of them in my pocket, it wasn’t until well after midnight that Finn came back into the bedroom. I pretended to be asleep while he took a shower, and I discovered he had brought some water with him.
Crushing the pills the best I could in the amount of time I had, I stirred the liquid with my finger and prayed for the best.
For that miracle that I did receive after all.
Because currently, I’m out of the O’Clery residence after sneaking out and dodging guards and just about to reach home after a few hours of walking.
I took a lot of back roads in case Finn did wake up and send men after me. My feet ache, but it doesn’t stop me from bursting through my family home and trudging up the second-story stairs to find Taylen. My anxiety is through the roof until I see her face and find that she’s safe and sound.
There are so many things running through my brain when I find Taylen sleeping soundly in her bed.
It’s a miracle, really.
Something I truly didn’t think I was going to have due to how I wasn’t given an ounce of empathy at the O’Clerys or by my husband.
The idea is almost laughable that he is, but I save that for later.
Now, all I can do is stare down at my sister and thank every luck star that I have that I’m here with her. That I’m going to be able to save her from the Italians and my brother’s idiotic plan of shipping her off for an alliance.
We’re going to have to run from here.
And that scares me.
I’ve never been fully on my own. I’ve never had a job before or had to worry about money, but the alternative isn’t an option. I can’t be a pawn in Finn’s rivalry with my family, and I won’t go back there.
That’s obvious.
Now that I’m back home, he’s lost that upper hand, and I can’t help but revel in the fact that I slipped right through his fingers—finally. That he wasn’t able to hold on to me like he thought he was going to do. That I was going to stand still and not work an angle to my advantage.
“Haven?” Jolting from the male voice that just sifted through the room, I spin around only to find the outline of my brother standing in Taylen’s doorway.