Page 24 of Brush Strokes
The confirmation that she definitely feels the same way he does is somehow comforting. Knowing that they'll have each other no matter how far I travel. I'm torn between wanting to enjoy my time with Beth to the fullest, and also considering if I should spend the time pushing the two of them together.
Selfishly, I want her for myself. But I know I can't stay in one place for long. It's the nature of my job and who I am. And what kind of friend would it make me if I didn't act on the possibility of happiness that I can see for my best friend and this amazing woman in front of me?
She walks away from me, her ass and hips swaying tantalizingly, teasing me, and I'm immediately hard for her again.
Maybe there's a way to get both?
My phone chimes softly, rousing me from what I'm pretty sure is the best sleep of my life. Beth is tucked into my side, rolled over on her stomach with her head on my very numb arm. The top sheet is barely covering me from knee to hip, slung low over Beth's curvaceous ass, her back bare. She put pajamas on two separate times last night before finally giving up, passing out cold after our last lovemaking session. I couldn't get enough of her last night, and even now thoughts of every taste, touch, and thrust are stirring my body back to life.
I wonder if she’d appreciate waking up with my face in her ass?
Slowly, carefully, I extract my arm and replace it with a pillow. I pick up my clothes and close the door quietly behind me, jumping in her shower. I'm not proud of how much I enjoy bathing in her products, soaking her warm vanilla scent into my skin. If I could reproduce every note of her delicious aroma, I'd walk around enveloped in it for the rest of my life. I consider whether I'm above rubbing charcoal pencils on my skin and decide I'm probably not above anything that comes to this woman.
When I emerge from the bathroom, the glorious smell of coffee, one of the few scents that could come close to rivaling Beth's, permeates the air. I think for a moment that Beth is awake, but she's set the coffeepot on an auto-timer. Hesitating, I sneak back into the bedroom, where Beth is still out cold. I don't want to leave without saying goodbye, mostly because I want to get my lips on her again, but I don't want there to be any chance she thinks I'm doing a walk of shame.
Crawling from the bottom of the bed, I hover over her, trailing barely there kisses over the exposed curve of the top of herass, her gloriously naked back, up to her shoulder. By the time I reach the top of her body, she's covered in gooseflesh and awake enough to be smiling. I kiss her cheek and then the side of her mouth, and she turns her face so I can kiss her properly. Her body turns beneath me, the sheet falling off to expose all of her glorious, naked flesh. Hardened nipples rub against my chest as she pulls me down against her body. Her thighs part and I settle between them, my cock instantly at defcon level harness.
Trailing kisses down her neck, I groan into her collarbone. "What are you doing to me, devil woman?"
"Hmmm. It's all a part of my evil plan to keep you from the gym, so you have to stay here and ravage me all day."
My dick is going to fall off.
"I can be a little late. Ezra won't mind."
"I was worried you'd gotten kidnapped or something," Ezra jokes from the treadmill. He's already done his weight routine. He always runs a few miles before heading to the pool to do laps.
"Or something is about right," I reply cheekily.
Or somethinghad wrapped her legs around me, unbuttonedand pushed my jeans down over my ass, and directed my throbbing cock right back where it belongs. And there it stayed for forty-five minutes, until she rolled me over and climbed on top, riding me until I couldn't hold back anymore. The sight of her bouncing on my cock, her head thrown back, mouth open, crying out my name until she came completely undid me. I was so very tempted to curl back in bed and stay there with her for the next week, but she had to run some errands to get ready for work. So after coffee, and a quick kiss goodbye, where I pathetically begged her to agree to let me lick ice cream off her tits after dinner later, I forced myself to leave her presence. I finally make it to the gym nearly an hour late, only to get stuck in a thought loop about what flavor ice cream I should get.
Vanilla, obviously. It’s the only answer.
"Cal, you're drooling," Ezra says. He's slowed his pace to a walk, staring at me as I stand in front of his machine, lost in my thoughts. "You've got it baaad," he says in a teasing voice. I know he's pleased, truly happy for me. If I hadn't known him for most of our lives, I would never have noticed the nearly imperceptible undercurrent of pain.
Grinning at my friend, I start the machine next to him. I start off slow, my tired body reminding me that I already did a marathon last night. We run for a while, both lost in thought, before I try to speak again. I have a plan, but I'm not sure how either of them are going to react to it. Part of me wants to spring it on them, but I don't want to be too brash. One or both of them might run away if I'm too obvious or pushy.
"She's fucking amazing, Ez. I've never met anyone like her."
"I noticed you didn't come home last night," he says, almost too casually.
I've had hook-ups and dates here and there, both when I'm visiting and abroad, but rarely do I sleep over. Actually, come to think of it, I'm not sure I've ever slept over. Not that I sleep around a ton, anymore at least, but actually starting a relationship with someone has never really crossed my mind. My career and love for traveling has always come first. I don't even technically have a home, preferring short-term rentals. I get mail sent to my mother's place in Ireland, or here at Ezra's in the states.
I blow out a breath, and my mood turns a little somber. "I'm in so much trouble, man. I could tell she was something special, but… damn. She’s incomparable. I feel bad that I kind of got ahead of myself, and I need to apologize for that."
"What does that mean, Cal?" His brow furrows, and he stops his machine. "I told you to leave her alone if you were going to just fuck her and run—"
"Seriously, Ez? You're just going to jump down my throat without even hearing me out?"
He holds up his hands placatingly and grabs his towel, wiping off his face. He looks around us. "Steam room?" I agree and follow him.
There are three separate small steam rooms off the locker room of Ezra's fancy gym, which means there's more chance for privacy. Once we're there, we relax and let the heat sink into our pores while I think carefully about what I'm going to say next. Ezra speaks first, though.
"I'm sorry I jumped down your throat. You’re my best friend. I love you like a brother, and I don’t want you to get hurt. Truth is, I care about Beth. She’s a good person, and I don't want herto get hurt even more.”
"That’s why I need to apologize to you, Ez. I don't think I realized the depths of your feelings for her before I got to know her myself. We had a conversation about our time being limited and agreed to just enjoy ourselves until then. But now that I feel like I understand you better, I realize that I should have never put myself in her path at all. I've never had a connection like this to another person, and I let it blind me. In doing so, I'm hurting three people."
He sighs. "I should have let on that I felt anything for her," he says honestly. "It was dumb to keep that from you."