Page 33 of Brush Strokes
Cal pulls my hair back until I’m nearly standing flush against him, his cock firmly planted inside me. He licks a bead of sweat from my neck and growls in my ear, “Do you think of him, Beth?”
Eyes wide, my breath catches as I try to pull away and say something, but Cal pushes me back down. I brace my hands on the back of the couch as he drives into me again.
“Do you think of us fucking you together?” He asks teasingly, as he pumps into me and hits that sweet spot that makes me incapable of conscious thought. His hips snapping against me, his thumb presses against my asshole.
“Do you think about what it would be like to take us together, bláth? Would you like his cock to breach your tight ass while I pound your sweet pussy?” My mind spins, and his thumb pushes into my ass. I cry out and instinctively try to move away from the intrusion, but Cal holds me in place with his body and his words. “Could you take us both, Beth? Maybe choke on my cock while he takes you from behind?” He replaces his thumb with a thick finger, pushing deeper into my ass. “Or would you prefer to take us one at a time and let us watch as we take turns fucking you senseless?”
My arousal at the visuals he conjures overpowers my fear and uncertainty. I find myself pushing back on Cal’s cock and finger as he pumps it inside me. He adds a second finger, stretchingthe tight ring. I’m whimpering and mewling as he keeps conjuring filthy, illicit images of the three of us together.
His thick cock and fingers fill me to the point of discomfort, but it drives me to new heights. Intensity builds up, shocks of electricity running up and down my spine as I surrender to the intrusion of my body and mind. I explode around him, screaming out his name as my pussy and ass clench down on him.
He grunts, pulling his fingers out of my ass, the change in sensation sending a new wave of pleasure through my body.
Cal pulls out of me and spins me around, lifting me so my legs wrap around his body. Kissing me deeply, he walks around to the front of the couch and lowers me to lay on my back. Covering my body with his, he thrusts into me again. Though his thrusts are deep and slow rather than hard and fast, they are no less intense.
His tongue licks into my mouth in the same deep, languid strokes, stoking a fire inside me. With one knee on the ground and his hands braced on the arm of the couch above my head, he feels deeper than ever. Not just deep in my pussy, but in my soul.
“Beth,” he rasps. “I lo—” his words are lost in a yell as he climaxes, driving me into the sofa, his hips angled just right. The look on his face as he stares deep in my eyes and the words I’m pretty sure he almost said force another climax from my body. A soul shattering orgasm clamps my body down around his, my pussy pulsing and milking his climax from him, his cock jerking inside me as his hot cum fills me up.
“Gods, you’re perfect,” he whispers, kissing me until he’s soft enough to slip out of me. Then quietly he pulls me to stand,pulling my dress over my head and dropping the rest of our clothes as we walk through my apartment to the bathroom. He turns on the shower and pulls me in. We don’t speak, just kiss and wash each other reverently. The way he touches me, looks at me, kisses me…
I can feel that he loves me, too. It makes tears fill my eyes and my heart hurts, trying not to count how many days we have left. I don’t want to think about the end, or try to think of long-distance solutions, or even think about what his words about Ezra mean. Was that just dirty talk, or does he know I have thoughts and feelings about his best friend?
When we finally make it to bed, Cal pulls me against his chest and covers our naked bodies with the comforter. He kisses the back of my neck and whispers to me. “Would you want to come to my house for dinner tomorrow? After work?”
So far, we’ve only been staying over at my place, and he’s been here more nights than not. It’s a good sign that he wants me at his place, right? He lives with Ezra when he visits. Am I okay having dinner, potentially sleeping in his room, at Ezra’s house?
“I’d love to cook for you,” he says sleepily.
That’s really sweet. Maybe the stuff about Ezra really was just playful and he can’t read my mind or feelings about his best friend after all. I feel guilty, but it’s not as if I’m acting on it. I haven’t done anything wrong exactly. I need to calm down and enjoy Cal before he’s out of my life for who knows how long.
“Yeah, I’d like that,” I say, closing my own eyes and succumbing to sleep. I’ll take what I can get for now, and worry about the rest later.
I've been wandering the aisles of this wine store for an hour. I didn't even ask Cal what he's making, but I also don't want to let on that I'm even considering his proposal. He tried to sell me on joining them for dinner tonight, but I’m feeling really unsure about it and my anxiety is making me overthink every little detail. If I show up to dinner, will he take it as an agreement to join in on this joint relationship idea of his?
It's not even that I have a problem with sharing Beth with Cal. It took me some time and introspection to unpack that. But I know, instinctively, that it would be a relationship built on love and respect. Like Cal said, it's not just some errant threesome. When I search my feelings and dig below my outrage and preconceived notions, the idea of another person that I love and trust taking care of Beth and making her happy doesn't bother me. I actually don't hate that idea at all. It's comforting in a way, actually, since one of the things I worry about is that I wouldn't be enough.The idea of not being good enough, not being able to keep someone happy, or be presentenough when I’m the throes of my art, is a major factor in the reason why I generally don’t date at all. And to disappoint a woman like Beth? I couldn’t handle it. Knowing that I’d have a partner to balance out my serious edges actually takes some pressure off the anxiety I’ve felt when imagining approaching her.
I'm also weirdly not jealous about Cal living the best week of his life, spending most nights wrapped in the arms of the woman I’ve been infatuated with for two years. I’m happy for him, and he deserves real happiness. Admittedly, it’s hard not to imagine myself in his place, and I wish I’d been brave enough to pursue things before. What if it’s too late? What if I waited too long?
I’ve spent the last two-something years doing my best to keep my thoughts of her platonic, but lately it’s been impossible. My fantasies have been running more rampant than ever. The last few times I’ve been in her presence, it’s been impossible not to get close to her, to touch her in some way. It’s like there’s a magnet between us. I can’t resist her.
But, assuming she’d even be into the idea, do I really want to have sex with her with someone else in the room, with someone else involved? Do I want to watch someone else have sex with the woman I love?Could I?
The relationship aspect of sharing Beth appeals to me, but how would the physical aspect work? It’s seems like we’d either have to set a schedule, which feels very clinical and unappealing, or all be present in the bedroom. I don't know how I feel about that.
The more I’ve forced my brain to consider it from all angles, the more I’ve come to terms with the idea. Getting to watch her come undone is certainly appealing. Watching her skin flush,full lips parted, eyes flashing with ecstasy?
Great, now I'm wandering aimlessly with a fucking boner.
My intrusive thoughts always ruin the mental image I have of how this relationship could work. The idea of presenting it to her as an option is more than daunting. What if she takes offense to the idea? Will she feel uncomfortable around me and pull away fully? I've been trying so hard just to get to know her, to strike up a mere friendship.What if she runs away and never speaks to me again?
I can't tell what's worse—-never knowing if I had a chance, or taking a chance and losing everything.
My mind going in a thousand directions at once, I decide to get a wide range of wines. I grab two bottles of a red blend, two bottles of chardonnay, and two bottles of rosé for good measure. We can always drink them another night, or I can bring them as gifts when I go somewhere.
One decision down. If only deciding what to do with Beth and Cal was as easy.