Page 10 of A Foster Fling
“Do you wanna stay with Grandpa Berry again tonight?” I ask her softly. Angie looks up at me with pursed lips. She knows that means I’ll be gone again, and she looks like she’s one more step away from a full-on temper tantrum.
“I wanna stay withyou,” she pouts, stomping her foot angrily.
“I know, I know. But I won’t be around tonight. I’ve got someone that I have to see,” I explain softly as I drop down to one knee. “I promise that if you can be a big girl for me and stay with Grandpa Berry just one more time, I’ll be back tomorrow, and everything will be normal again.”
Angie grunts as she blows out her breath, and I stand up to hide my smile. She reminds me so much of my own childhood, only hers has been full of as much love as we’ve all been able to give her.
We take good care of her, making sure that she’s safe, better fed than the rest of us, and keep a tight-knit circle to ensure that she’ll never be harmed.
“Come on, little Miss Toughy,” I tease as I take her hand and start leading us back home. “By tomorrow, you’ll forgive me and I’m just fine waiting.”
Especially since I know that your life will always be better than mine would have been. Even if we’re living on the streets and in squalor.
Chapter Eight
An unhappy sigh escapes me.
I’ve walked back and forth, skirting the mouth of absolute desolation, hoping to potentially see her, but she’s nowhere to be found.
If I were braver, I’d walk right in and ask about her, but I’ve heard the stories of how dangerous these unfortunate people can be.
I slip my hands into my pockets after my last patrol of the line, then decide that maybe it’s best if I just go. I don’t know how well she’d take it, knowing that I do this from time to time, anyway.
The last time we saw each other, she was fourteen years old, getting dragged out of the house, kicking and screaming, by some of Mom’sfriends.
By that point, Daddy had been abusing her for six years.Six,I think miserably as I push a strand of hair out of my face.
Knowing how much Davina claimed to have hated it when I caught them, I think her outgoing performance was nothing more than just that. A show. A deceptive play to let Daddy know she was going to keep their secret, but act the part of the wounded girl instead of the scornedother woman.
I push the door open to one of the more luxurious stores a few blocks away from where I’m sure she lives.
Retail therapy will do me some good, but staying kind of close by will also ensure that if she happens to wander down the street, I might be able to catch a glimpse of her.
“Hello!” a smartly dressed, thirty-something-year-old woman greets me. I glance up at her and smile. I’ll never get tired of seeing these women in their blazers, dress pants, and see-through bandeaus in these types of places.
Smart but sexy.
It’s what sells.
In all aspects of life.
“Hey there,” I respond with a nod.
“If you need any help, just give me a shout! My name is Tessa.”
I nod again as I start to wander the store and look at the luxury imported bags. Balenciaga purses have always been my favorite, and this boutique has some that I haven’t seen before.
“Well, I’ll be damned.”
I roll my eyes and groan inwardly.
Yes, Satan?I wonder.
“Hey,” I reply without looking at him as I hold up a lilac-colored, hourglass tote.
“What are you doing on this side of town?” Rock asks as he rests an arm on the display, leaning into my peripheral line of sight.