Page 102 of A Foster Fling
But still, I often wondered how that night would have played out if I hadn’t been such a nice guy. If I hadn’t been her brother by name, would I have walked away? I don’t think I would have. Even then, Salma could lure men in with just a flick of her hair. I wasn’t immune. I’m not immune. I want her more and more every day. She knew this. She had to know this.
Salma wanted me, too. I could smell it when she rubbed her thighs together. Her empty pussy begged for my fingers. My tongue. My cock. Yesterday, she wanted me to fuck her right there in her childhood bed. Her eyes pleaded with me to do it.
I imagined how our first intimate encounter would be. I would hold her underneath me with just one hand. My other would be knuckle-deep inside of her. That was how I’d start.
Groaning, I discreetly palmed my erection. She wasn’t ready for me yet. It wasn’t time. Not yet. Just a little longer. I could wait a bit longer. And when the day came for me to finally ravish her holes, I would take them all. Deeply, so she would never forget the moment we became one.
I brushed off thoughts of Salma becoming a woman because Emiko rushed toward her. I didn’t care much about Emiko Takahashi, but from an outside point of view, she was a pretty girl. Her dark hair flowed behind her. Her cheeks were red with what I was certain was excitement.
The girls dashed outside of their school. Uniforms bunched up from the day. Salma had one of her sock legs rolled partially down. Her sun-kissed skin was a glaring target for my filthy eyes. My mind conjured up fantasies of me kissing up her thighs until my lips reached her moist center.
Fuck, this girl didn’t know the affect she had on me.
I crept closer. Her cherry lip gloss scented the air as I walked a few steps behind her security detail with my hood up. No one looked my way. The men knew who I was, and they were used to this type of behavior from me. Whether they thought it was inappropriate or not, I could not say–and neither would they. They knew better than to open their mouth to me.
Shaking my head with annoyance, I watched the girls give security the slip. But they couldn’t lose me. I tracked all of Salma’s clothes and accessories, along with her phone. Hell there was even a tracker implanted in her arm that she didn’t know about. I had it replaced with one none but me could track. I had put the old one in a cute teddy bear that sat right on the shelf above her bed. A white bear I had won at a fair with Salma one breezy summer past.
I was a predator and knew how to hunt on my own grounds. I followed the girls to a local Mexican cafe. It was a small establishment that sat about five tables and had a handful of discreet booths, but the family who owned it never had to worry about money. The Cortez syndicate took care of this place along with many others in the neighborhood. The price? A few favorshere, and an occasional cut of the profittherewhen the restaurant did well. Easy business relations.
The girls were distracted, busy giggling at each other over their menus when I slid into the booth behind theirs. I kept my back to them. I had no need to stare at their table to read lips. Not when I had a listening device on the target.
“So, what are you going to do about Raul?” Emiko asked, followed by a clang of what I assumed was a spoon against her cup.
“I can’t just come out and tell him that he’s an overbearing asshole,” Salma reasoned.
My head jolted forward. I hadn’t expected her to feel bothered about my possessiveness. I only wanted to protect her. She obviously had no idea how many times I had saved her ass from danger in the past.
“He’s your brother, Sal. You should be happy he’s trying to take care of you.”
“It’s just his duty,” she remarked blandly. “He has no choice.”
“He’s your family and the next don or whatever you all call it. You should respect him more.”
Salma scoffed, “Oh, please. He’s a dirty, old perv.”
Oh, myprincesa.If only she knew.
“Perv? Why would you say that?” Emiko sipped her hot drink. “You guys are close. I wish I had a sibling I was close to like that.”
“You don’t understand. Raul looks at me differently.”
I turned my head and peeked around my shoulder. It’s rare that Salma told Emiko anything about our relationship, brother or otherwise. She usually deflected such topics when Emiko asked.
Would Salma really give away our secret? In public? I must’ve really shaken her up yesterday, but this would not do.
“What do you mean?”
I heard a creak from their booth, as if one of them leaned further in to listen closely. Whether they whispered or not, I knew my device would hear them clearly either way.
“Sometimes, when we are alone, he–”
Mierde.I immediately stood, glad the girls weren’t stupid enough to leave our territory.
I pulled my glock out it’s holster. “Everyone out. Anyone left in the next ten seconds will find their brain matter splattered on the walls.”
“Raul!” A shocked gasp pulled me away from the even more shocked patrons rushing out the front door. “What are you doing?” Salma stood, putting herself in the line of fire.
“Move,princesa.”I didn’t want her to get hurt. I just didn’t want Emiko and the rest of the men in the building to hear how wet her cunt was for me. What if someone overheard and told Padre.