Page 115 of A Foster Fling
Inside, I found her on a plush chair, in a tank top and pajama pants. Her feet were curled up below her as she held a romance novel in front of her face. She had a device she read her books on as well, but when she was home, she preferred a physical book. Her eyes were red, showing she had been crying again. I hated that she was sad, but the lessons were important, because while fortune often favored the bold, it never presented without consequences.
“Baby girl.”My voice carried in the room, causing her to look up, startled.
She bookmarked her spot, dog-eared like a heathen, and looked around the room. I bet she was hoping someone would save her, but there would be no one. There was never anyone but me. Always me. I was a man. Perhaps even a monster, but I didn’t wear a disguise. I was the metaphorical snake and she was precious Eve. Innocent, pure, and light. All things associated with Salma.
“Really? Dog earring the page? I didn’t buy you nice things so you could destroy them,” I remarked, hoping to lighten her mood.
“I’m sorry.”
She sure didn’t look sorry at all. She didn’t crack a smile either. I imagine she was still mad about the graduation ceremony she missed, and that I had smacked her with her school Bible while vowing before our Lord that I would murder any man who’d defiled her.
“Next thing I know, you’ll be pirating ebooks for fun,” I joked.
But nothing. She gave me nothing.
I cleared my throat, “We need to talk.”
“Are you here to grab a book?” She crossed her arms, and the sarcasm dripping off her tongue made me want to force my cock between her lips. “I can give you some recs.”
“No, I’m not here to get a book.” I slowly stalked towards her. “I’m here to talk about your lying and need to hurt me.”
She shrugged her shoulders. “What about it? You hurt me all the time.”
“I do not intentionally hurt you.”
“My ass says differently.”
This wouldn’t do. There was a difference between discipline and punishment and saying cruel untruths just to injure someone. And as in her room, if she didn’t submit, I would be forced to conquer her.
It took a minute for her to realize I was hunting her like prey, but once she did, her eyes grew wide like saucers. By then it was too late. There was no escape.
I drew her out of the chair and onto her feet so I could hold her in my arms and kiss her soft lips. She stubbornly left them closed.
I chuckled at her defiance. “Open for me.”
Salma shook her head no, pressing her lips tightly together. I smirked.Oh, princesa. The things I’m going to do to you.I grabbed her hair and tilted her head back, forcing her to look at me.
“I said, open your fucking mouth,hermanita.”
When I tightened my hold, she parted her lips with a shocked cry. I took advantage and slid my tongue inside. Her whimpered protests vibrated through my mouth.
I hated that we were circling back to violence again, so I softened my assault on her senses, and softened the embrace. I kissed her deeply, passionately, opting to try a different approach and conjole her with love rather than force her with dominance.
To my surprise, she began kissing me back. She wasn’t sure of herself at first. Her kisses were tentative and cautious as if she thought my mouth would swallow her whole. Up until this point, we had only kissed in anger. I wanted to show her something new and different, of what we could be if we could just return to the couple we were before our relationship went to shit.
We stopped to draw breath, and I slowly trailed my lips across her cheek, down her neck, then up her chest. “Why do you fight us? You know that I would never let anyone take you away from me. You need to trust that I got you.”
“It’s more than just that,” she murmured, her eyes glazed and her lips plump, red from my ministrations. “I want to do things with my life. I want to go to college. I want to work. I don’t want to be a wife popping out babies as a job.”
“Being a wife and mother is an honorable profession,” I assured before returning my attention to more pleasurable things. “I need you to take your top off,” I whispered.
She pushed away from me. “No, no.”
I stepped closer, wanting her breasts to rub against my chest. I wanted her legs wrapped around my waist. I could even imagine my cock thrust deep inside of her perfect, tight cunt.
“N-no,” she reiterated. Her hand came up between us, stopping my forward motion. “Please. I don’t want to. No, Raul. We can’t keep doing this.”
I smiled at her indulgently. “Baby girl,no is not a word that exists between us.”