Page 121 of A Foster Fling
I wonder if his eyes are as beautiful as Caerus’s.
Chapter Four
I could feel myself floating through the air, the warm summer sun against my eyelids. Caerus was twirling me in circles in his strong arms and I couldn’t stop laughing. It had been a good day.
“Don’t drop me!” I squealed and his deep laugh caressed my skin.
“Never.” He slowed and pulled me close, kissing my nose.
I opened my eyes to his, finding the half circle hidden in his blue-green iris. My smile widened and I ran my fingers over his cheek. The dark circles under his eyes were receding and he was starting to look like himself again.
“You’re so beautiful.” I sighed, my heart aching.
“You ready to go?” He asked on a sad smile ignoring me.
This was always the hardest part. Letting go of the dream.
My body jostled at a strange angle and sleep was shaken from my body. Sasquatch had me over his shoulder and was walking across what sounded like tall grass. My hands clenched behind my back, my fingers tingling.
“Oh. A backwoods burial. You shouldn’t have.” I mutter, my chin bouncing against his back.
“I wouldn’t waste my time digging the hole, lead foot.”
Well shit. Maybe killing me wasn’t the plan. I don’t know whether to rejoice in that or dread the alternatives that could be at play. My life has already had so much misfortune soaked into its pores; can’t I catch a break?
“Um, I think you might have me confused with someone else. I don’t-“
“I know who you are, Sayler. I’m not confused.” He cuts me off.
Double shit. New tactic. Lie.
“I’m sorry, Sayler, did you say? That’s not me. You should take me back now before someone starts looking for me.” I sputter.
He says nothing, instead he just brings his palm to my ass cheek in an ear deafening smack. The wind shoots out of my lungs and I damn near pee my pants. I swallow in a breath and my eyes shoot open wide.
“You did not just fucking spank me!” I screech. No echo, my voice doesn’t bounce back. Where the fuck are we?
“I did. Now shut the fuck up.” He grumbles.
I do. For six seconds.
“People are going to look for me soon.” I say softly, unable to hold back the pleading tone in my voice.
“They already are, and they won’t find you.” He says nonchalantly, his feet hitting wood.
We move up some steps and I hear keys jingle. His hands move from my legs and a door squeaks open. He flicks a switch and it does nothing to illuminate the darkness of the hood over my head.
The door closes behind us and he sets me on my feet holding my arm. He tosses his keys on something metallic and locks the door. He moves to walk forward, and I speak again.
“How do you know?”
“Because no one knows this place exists.”
“I mean how do you know they’re looking? And we aren’t that far from town; people know about this place.” I bluff.